He was lucky to get off with shock and a few bruises. It's a wonder he wasn't killed.
I don't know how to thank you. Besides, I make your fiance get off with you. It is I who should say sorry.
When flu strikes, why are some family members reduced to shivering wrecks under their duvets, while others get off with little more than a snuffle?
当流感来袭时,为什么有些人蜷缩在羽绒被下瑟瑟发抖,而有的人最多就是有点鼻塞呢? ?
I confess that with online surveys I just click the option that's closest to my mouse cursor to get the damn thing off my screen.
Our conversation started as any other, with me asking him if we could get off the desk and chat.
In short, you must kick off your own job and synchronize with it to get any type of synchronous behavior.
Watch them together with the sound off, so you can get information and a turn-on at the same time.
The amount of pleasure we can get from the same experience tails off with repeated exposure.
I see a future where it will become common practice for people with similar interests will get off their lazy asses and get together in groups that will do great things within their field of interest.
Here is a quick start guide that will give you some Pointers and a printable template you can use to get off to a great start with mind mapping.
A Japanese policeman, distraught by working long hours and weekends for two months, stabbed himself in the stomach with a knife to get some time off, police said Monday.
The current controversy was the latest casualty of my lifelong effort to lead parallel lives, to wall off my anger and grief and get on with my outer life, which I loved and lived well.
"Not everyone needs to take maternity leave but with heartbreak, everyone needs time off, just like when you get sick," CEO Miki Hiradate said.
If you're new, don't let perceived complexity or jargon scare you off: start simple and get into a rhythm with reporting on the basics.
The fitness industry is constantly coming up with similar tricks to get more of us off the couch, Daikeler said.
It is only when they get off the plane and compare their watches with someone who has been stationary relative to them that they notice a difference.
Mr Zhou's plan could win support from other emerging economies with large reserves. However, it is unlikely to get off the ground in the near future.
Book an extra day off so that you've got time to get over your jetlag and catch up with your laundry.
Next, get ready to hop off. You will probably be terrified, which is a shame, for fear interferes with perception.
Once underwater, divers often get to play games with the whales as they explore and seemingly show off to their guests.
This also means calling his bluff and not letting him get away with slacking off.
If the above circumstances occur, passengers are expected to cooperate with the metro management company and get off the train immediately so the tracks can be vacated for the following trains.
Try working part of your day in “off-hour” times, to get more done with fewer people around.
Rather than working out how to skewer Mr Cameron, European leaders would do better thinking what they can offer him that might get him off the hook with his more rabid backbenchers.
Rather than working out how to skewer Mr Cameron, European leaders would do better thinking what they can offer him that might get him off the hook with his more rabid backbenchers.