Work is so tiring. I wish I could get off work now and go play golf.
Don't ask me when we get off work. I don't call the shots around here.
You work all day and in Guangzhou, you get off work and where can you go?
He just suggests we meet when I get off work because we have a lot of things to take care of.
We wait for her to get off work, and I invite the three, and another friend of Terri’s, to dinner.
After considering a man to get off work, went home saying: The wife, you have been busy for one day, was laborious!
Except for the cultivation and my job, I have nothing to do after I get off work. I almost have no friends except my family.
I've had many jobs where people are excited to get even the least important of things to do because it "kills time" until they get off work.
Also requires family understanding, work 10 hours after may not have any entertainment, and you get off work, the entertainment also get off work.
Xiao Jin: "Now, after I get off work, I study English, because in the future, our customers won't be only Chinese, so we must learn more languages. ""
肖金(音译)说: “现在我下班以后,就会去学英语因为在不久的将来,我们的客户将不仅仅是中国人, 所以,我们需要学习更多的语言。”
No talking or laughing loudly so as to interrupting others' work or study. Don't do anything unrelated to work. Never return to the apartment or get off work during the working time.
We're doing these things because we know they help people stay off benefits and help those on benefits get into work faster.
Get into the habit of doing today's work today, and you will feel uncomfortable if you have to put anything off till tomorrow.
Get up from your desk, stop what you are doing and get your mind off your work for awhile.
She admits, "it's good to get negative emotions off your chest by venting to a close friend or family member, but don't complain at work at all — people won't like you."
You must get your mind completely off your work. Attack it with a refreshed mind the next day.
Officers who work bank holidays without eight days notice get double pay plus a day off in lieu.
Big things rumbled, you could hear them from far off, and you had to work out where they would come, and get away from them.
One of my goals might be to get all of my work done by Thursday so I can take Friday off, or use Friday to work on a personal project.
On weekends I like to get my mind off my work by reading a good book.
Employers fret that skivers can easily get time off work by faking symptoms to a computer screen, or to a hastily trained voice on the other end of a phone line.
Stay away from them except in cases of acute, time-limited pain - and if you're on them already, work hard to get off them.
Hard work pays off much more than cheating because you actually get long-term benefits from it.
Look around in this room — all this knowledge, energy, talent, and technology. Let's get off our fannies, roll up our sleeves and get to work, passionately, in creating an almost perfect world.
Get off you computer chair now and go work more on these skills. Life will be better!
That could get worse before it gets better if rising unemployment translates to fewer buyers to work off that fat inventory.
That could get worse before it gets better if rising unemployment translates to fewer buyers to work off that fat inventory.