Wendy and John and Michael stood on tip-toe in the air to get their first sight of the island.
The new buses are air-conditioned, comfortable and easy for elderly and disabled passengers to get on and off.
There are thousands of virtual points in the sky that pilots follow on their route, each with unique names so the air-traffic controllers can tell us where to go and how to get there.
In Kansas City, another man stepped outside during the reading, escaping to get some air and fainted, splitting his lip on the sidewalk.
The casts are made using an odd collection of old and new instruments and ovens, including an old handmade centrifuge built on stray specimen drawers (above), used to get air bubbles out of the casts.
Later, when Air Force chief of staff Mike Moseley briefed Gates on the incident, Gates asked him how many generals were going to get fired over the mishap.
Whatever your choice for best getaway, Travel and Leisure’s editors say you should spend lots of time on the Internet to get the best air fares and package deals before you spend your money.
Users can get results based on the quickest, cheapest or greenest options using a variety of methods of transport, including air, rail and taxi.
Remember to hop your Vikings back up into the air if things get hairy on the ground, and fly critically damaged flyers back to base for repair.
And many of them can get videos on the air much quicker than the once-a-week AFV can.
比起每周才播一集的AF V,竞争对手们通常能够更快的拿到新视频。
During the first three stages, they live entirely in water.During the larva stage, they feed on algae and other microorganisms and must frequently bob to the surface of the water to get air.
That allowedRidgewell and Carr to get tight on Park and Valencia and Dann andJohnson were always capable of repelling them in the air with WayneRooney so outnumbered in the middle.
Your sinuses — air-filled pockets found within your cheeks, behind your forehead and eyebrows, on either side of the bridge of your nose, and behind your nose — can get clogged easily.
One recent report by the Cours des Comptes, the national auditor, indicated that French air-traffic controllers get, on average, an astonishing 31 paid weeks off a year.
法国审计法院(the CoursdesComptes)(法国国家审计机关)近期发布的一篇报告指出,法国的空中交通管制员人均每年竟有31周带薪休假期,着实令人震惊。
Carmakers, for example, are trying to get the courts to strike down a Californian state law based on certain provisions of the Clean Air Act that require them to reduce their vehicles' CO2 emissions.
If I just look at the thrust force based on the air (yes, there are some assumptions and estimations here), I get.
I'd change the air filters on the vehicles so the engines would get clean air, all the while smoking a pack and a half of cigarettes a day, polluting my own lungs.
Whatever your choice for best getaway, Travel and Leisure's editors say you should spend lots of time on the Internet to get the best air fares and package deals before you spend your money.
"He read all the books he could get on astrology and began to understand why things had happened as they had" (the TunnelThrough the Air, page 215).
Where to get it: We like to slurp at the open-air stall on the corner of Xikang lu and Xinfeng lu.
On one occasion, however, he was lucky enough to get some air time. Ironically, the scene involved him getting kicked by Hsu's brutal pointed stilettos.
You have to check the stories and rush them on air, make sure the right pictures are available, and get the guests smoothly in and out of the studio.
They were not required to submit programs for approval, which allowed them to get imported material on the air faster than TV stations.
Well to start, you'd better get rid of all the air bumping on the sides of the pencil, since the kinetic energy of a typical oxygen molecule is enough to destabilize the pencil.
When infected people cough or sneeze, infected droplets get on their hands, drop onto surfaces, or are dispersed into the air.
When infected people cough or sneeze, infected droplets get on their hands, drop onto surfaces, or are dispersed into the air.