My New year's resolution does not mean I won't get my annual flu shot or a colonoscopy every 10 years - or eat a balanced diet and get regular exercise.
Most people who keep weight off for the long term are those who adopt healthy-eating habits as part of their normal lifestyle and who also get regular exercise.
It's OK to take it easy once in a while, but remember the energizing effect of regular exercise - which may be just what you need to get down to business.
But, ironically, regular exercise can improve your energy level so you can run and still get everything else done.
People with regular exercise routines often sleep better and have fewer incidents of insomnia than those don't get regular physical activity.
So you've done what you thought was the hard part: you started a regular exercise routine to get fit and healthy.
Not only did I feel really good to get the exercise, but I had a great view of nature as I headed to work, and it was a lot more peaceful and relaxing than the regular commute by car.
Regular, consistent exercise must be a key part of your daily life for you to get in shape and stay in shape.
Sibyl: They want to make him join one of the local sports clubs and get some regular exercise.
Eat a balanced diet, get daily exercise, even if only for ten minutes, and sleep on a regular, refreshing schedule.
A regular exercise routine can get blood flowing. It will take anywhere from a month to a few months to see the actual results on the monitor.
Get back to your regular exercise and eating program as soon as you can and forgive yourself.
Exercise-and then exercise some more. Like your heart, your brain needs good blood flow to stay vital, and the best way to get it is through regular exercise.
运动,运动再运动 就像心脏一样,你的大脑一样也需要新鲜血液,而最好保持大脑活跃的方法就是定期运动。
Exercise-and then exercise some more. Like your heart, your brain needs good blood flow to stay vital, and the best way to get it is through regular exercise.
运动,运动再运动 就像心脏一样,你的大脑一样也需要新鲜血液,而最好保持大脑活跃的方法就是定期运动。