As a result, Chua's daughters get straight As and have won a series of musical competitions.
Do you think I could fit all that and still get straight As and have lots of time left over for playing World of Warcraft? No.
I think this whole portion would be fine, so we could take this point as well as this point, because anywhere on this straight line, you will get the same value for Young's modulus.
It might mean putting your exercise kit on as soon as you get up - so that you're ready for your workout straight away.
As soon as I arrived I went straight to do interviews, meet the stylists, and get fitted for wardrobe.
So if I make a plot of the gravitational potential energy as a function of y, then I would get a straight line.
And there are fringe benefits to the scale of the operation here too: the quick turnover of pasties here means you get them straight-from-the-oven-hot as opposed to heat-lamp warm.
The Don Nelson days of trying to get up a good shot as quickly as possible have been replaced by a more traditional approach straight out of the Gregg Popovich school.
Whether those couple of units you have are somewhere other than your base or not, you should send any new tanks that just came out of your WF straight to the APC to get as much firepower as you can.
Glucose, lactose, sucrose, and other sugars get metabolized (used as fuel) all over your body, but fruit sugar - fructose - goes straight to your liver.
However, through such mechanisms as self-delusion or rationalization, a person could fail to get straight a fact even about himself.
It is needed to get the length information of straight as well as curve lines with small curvature by the help of image processing.
You can see that as you fill up your periodic table, it's very clear. But also we'll tell you a pneumonic device to keep that in mind, so you always remember and get the orbital energy straight.
To truly get the end with the backset tapered the same as the straight end, I can't use a straight edge to draw the whole line.
"Get the hotel in the picture," one young man said in Hindi as he posed, straight-faced, for a photographer.
And I want some who's straight-up with me, and as real as possible, right from the get-go.
And I want some who's straight-up with me, and as real as possible, right from the get-go.