Don't jump to conclusions. Get the facts.
“We want you to get the facts, ” Mr Cardin continues.
Text analytics allows users to break down sentences linguistically to get the facts.
Get the facts out: Let people know that the real inflation rate is closer to 10% than 2%.
列举事实:让人们知道,真正的通货膨胀率接近10 %,超过2 %。
If so, Goldman has all the more reason to get ahead of the scandal, get the facts and disclose them.
The priority of our job is to get the facts out there so the public can easily locate them if they need to.
If the interviewee agrees, you can use a recorder to get the facts straight. It's also useful if a person wants to challenge you.
I would say that I strive to listen hard to people, understand what they're trying to tell me, get the facts, and then formulate a decision.
"I never tell people to simply rely on intuition," says Robinson. "We have our rational sides for a reason." Trust your instincts, but get the facts too.
Many of our clients face these issues; companies come to us hoping we can help them better manage their reputations through Get the Facts or issue management campaigns.
Unfortunately, few of us have much experience dealing with the threat of terrorism, so it's been difficult to get facts about how we should respond.
I guess you need to start with that so that you can get a grasp of the concepts and learn a few facts before you start putting it into practice.
The objects don't get put back together," One possibility, of course, is simply to disagree with me about the facts.
You know, there’s a debate going on in the documentary community. Some people argue that you can get a lot of emotion through facts.
In return we get entertainment, tedious tasks done for us, facts at the click of a mouse and as much communication as we can ask for.
This means that in America you rarely get more than one chance to put forth your version of the facts, so you had better do it right the first time.
As you listen, ask for clarification, get all the facts, be sure you understand and don't jump to conclusions.
Random facts about last night’s episode of "Dancing with the Stars" or your favorite blog will not get you the job.
While many students get caught up in memorizing facts, intelligent learners know to seek the bigger picture and connect the facts together. This form of learning I call holistic learning.
Many hard-working contributors tend to look to others to praise and reward them for their worth and may not do the homework to get real facts.
One year, to get the study groups just-so, Ms. DeGraca laid out index CARDS with students' names and basic facts on her living room floor, mixing and matching until the groups seem balanced.
We're going to be thinking about that in connection with Financial Theory, but we have to get into the details; so we are going to be learning about facts.
Possessing accurate facts of what already exists will help get the most of what is available and will reduce costs.
Possessing accurate facts of what already exists will help get the most of what is available and will reduce costs.