His only vice is to get drunk on champagne after concluding a successful piece of business.
Once I get there, there would be no daily list of activities, sightseeing trips, television or business centers I might use to "check-in" at work.
We can talk about Union Hill while I get this business over with. Kill two birds with one stone, so to speak.
He has just set up his own business but it will take him a while to get established.
He wants to open his own business, but needs a push in the right direction to get him started.
For example, are you hoping to get through a business lunch without embarrassing yourself, or are you thinking about how fascinating the conversation might be?
Thanks to a variety of relatively inexpensive communications devices with business applications, even small businesses in the United States are able to get into international markets.
A second language isn't generally required to get a job in business, but having language skills gives a candidate the edge when other qualifications appear to be equal.
He designed a cuff that allows the medical professionals to get the blood while keeping that business out of sight and out of mind.
If they can provide a better service to their customers, then they're likely to get more business, which in turn creates more business for us -everyone wins.
The reaction by the revenue management people is typically to get the business first (by discounting), even if they leave something on the table.
After a few probing questions, typically, they get to the business model and how they make money.
He tried his hand at setting up his own logistic company, but failed to get the school's permission to do business on campus.
Do you think you have to be 'concentrated' in one business or stock to get truly wealthy today?
And by building composite applications, you can get quick access to your business information in one view.
Another way to make recycling cheaper is to get the household or business that generates the waste to sort it free of charge.
Typically, IT needs to get the business to support adoption of new technologies through tying technology to business value.
These distractions will cost you serious time if you don't bypass them and get down to business immediately.
He confesses that it took the ant "roughly an hour or two" to get clean enough to return to regular business.
Perot went first, saying the debt caused him to disrupt my private life and my business to get involved in this activity.
But they get into the business to argue cases in courtrooms, not to file endless papers.
The user interface is designed for business users to get insight into their business.
Shatter this roadblock by realizing you don't need to be a business guru to get started.
If regional Banks are fighting to survive, lower fees will not be enough to get small-business finance flowing again.
The import binding created by the wizard contains all the information that the adapter needs to do its work and get your business data to the back-end system.
The executives in the survey said it was harder for foreigners to get business licenses to start a new firm, or obtain new product licenses.
It's OK to take it easy once in a while, but remember the energizing effect of regular exercise - which may be just what you need to get down to business.
A protocol we could just adopt and get on to the business that can make us money - building cool services.
A protocol we could just adopt and get on to the business that can make us money - building cool services.