Usually, a farmer will get to the point where financially, what they're doing is not working.
One of them put it like this: "You know, Bob, you can just buy so much stuff, and when you get to the point where you can just buy so much stuff, now what are you going to do?"
Provided with a slider bar, you can visually and quickly get to the point where you want to convert.
I don't think we'll ever get to the point where our computer data is safe when crossing an international border.
But until you do get to the point where you're comfortable with your own body, Chadwick suggests in her book, "fake it."
This is, of course, particularly useful when it takes a long time to start your application or to get to the point where it fails.
And the American economy has yet to get to the point where the stock of long-term unemployed is decreasing; that category continues to grow.
It may get to the point where your only goal in life is to find someone, and you'll find yourself feeling unmotivated to take care of other things.
Any time you're faced with a new development tool, or IDE, you have to go through a learning curve just to get to the point where you can be productive.
If I'm a 3-person company, I can't add more users and try the application for real and hence might not get to the point where I see the value in using it.
Once you get to the point where clicking inside your desktop tool locks the workstation for 10-20 seconds, you are wasting money through lost productivity.
出现在桌面工具内单击一下会让工作站锁定10 - 20秒的情况后,工作效率就会降低,而这无疑是在浪费金钱。
It might get it wrong, but with more training it would get to the point where the RSS feed would work correctly (until someone redesigned the original Webpage).
And then, we actually get to the point where there is a solid design concept that we call framework definition in other words, what does an initial sketch look like?
Once you get to the point where you determine that J2EE authorization alone is insufficient, the next question becomes whether to build or purchase an authorization solution.
And what I'd like to do is to get to the point where we could read his site and then summarise what it says, and answer the question... Along with the citation and so forth and so on.
When you get to the point where you are so unhappy in your current position that you want to leave and work elsewhere there is a problem if you aren't able to command the same salary.
You can get to the point where it’s in the mild category — where it’s annoying but not causing such impairment that you can’t function and interact and do the things that are important.
I don't know if we will get to the point where we build systems where we consider AOP the primary design mechanism, but I do think we will find ways to enhance our OO designs with aspects.
I have found it an 18 year project to get to the point where I don't really care what other people think of my value in their eyes so I don't say it lightly when I point out this needs to be done.
I have found it an 18 year project to get to the point where I don’t really care what other people think of my value in their eyes so I don’t say it lightly when I point out this needs to be done.
I got to the point where I couldn't wait to get home to my books.
Then I got to the point where I was staying up really late at night to get my work done.
The other key point is that we are the stewards of the Central Repository where most developers go to get their open source components.
And if your process is simply one of reducing Numbers, you could get to a point where you have a very unstable world, where the incentive in a crisis to strike first could be powerful.
What we're trying to do is get the Web development platform to a point where anyone can take advantage of the types of technology these experts are using.
Now, new research suggests some have reached the point where a paradoxical truth applies: to get more done, we need to stop working so much.
Now, new research suggests some have reached the point where a paradoxical truth applies: to get more done, we need to stop working so much.