How he wished they could get together again!
Last Sunday, I haven't seen for years with the elementary school students get together again.
When will Sarah, Susi, Candy and Christine have the chance to get together again and celebrate?
Waiting for love to get together again, requires more than just wait, more than that was not frightened hearts of the wave à ».
After years of working and facing various problems in life, they get together again, build a video game machine and play on the street.
She was in the crowd waiting, and so on a grand and quiet to get together again, and so a person would be her away, and so on quarter gorgeous flowers.
But the youthful conviction that the world is there any chance to get together again, for no valid reason a person does not appear in another person's life.
The hope still flickered within her that they might to get together again. Finish your meal with traditional coffee and dates outside under the star-filled night sky.
This season, though, you can feel people banding together to get consumers interested in fashion, to make it fun again to go into stores.
In Barack Obama, Gordon Brown sees a new opportunity for the international community to join together and get the stalled Middle East peace process rolling again.
The holidays are always a great time to get together with loved ones, but the season is also an ideal time to get job search moving again.
I am very pleased to get together with all of you again and to exchange views on international and regional issues of common concern.
Sometimes Mommies and Daddies DO get back together again, later, after a time apart and some time for healing, but that happens because THEY found their own reasons to do so.
Then, run the command input line -- this can be several lines strung together with shell directives -- and finally, get the date again on the same input line.
And then, when I add all of these areas together, as the value of x changes, I will get the volume. OK, let me try to explain that again.
Two tracks,”The Daily Planet” and “Andmoreagain,” were recorded in a single day, then the band took time off to get their act together again and practice the next batch of tunes.
在一天的时间内录制了两首歌曲“每日行星”(The Daily Planet)和“再来一些”(Andmoreagain),然后乐队暂停下来重新把事情安排的有条不紊并开始练习下一批曲子。
It was so nice to finally get to meet some of you, and I look forward to working together again in the future!
We frequently get together to rehearse again and again, to polish our acting.
But then we'll start spending some consistent time together, and just when I get up the nerve to have a "talk" about where the relationship is going, he has to leave town again.
When they arrived at their destination, the mice took off their running shoes, tied them together and hung them around their necks-so they could get to them quickly whenever they needed them again.
Parting is to get together, meet people who will meet again from rain all alcohol, stay two brothers a worldly reunion, two brothers, do not need to too much language.
Or maybe, you were a child of divorce; and all you wanted was for Mom and Dad to get back together again?
Or maybe, you were a child of divorce; and all you wanted was for Mom and Dad to get back together again?