Introductory exercises and in-game aides like "peekaboo", which compares top-scoring solutions with yours, help novices get up to speed.
After returning from his vacation, Nicholas had to work hard to get up to speed at his job.
This delivery method has allowed IT professionals to get up to speed quickly on new technologies.
For a while, individuals undergoing these changes will feel some discomfort until they get up to speed.
We've only got one week of training, there's no way I can get up to speed with everything in that time.
In this article, I'll introduce you to CouchDB and show you how you can rapidly get up to speed with using it.
Schwartz says the ge employees will get up to speed on everything from organizational structures to social media.
If you haven't been paying much attention to these kinds of things, it's not that difficult to get up to speed quickly.
It's therefore important that projects provide good documentation and other help so volunteers can get up to speed quickly.
To help you quickly get up to speed on DB2's native XML features, this article walks through several common tasks, such as.
Wealthy countries race to bring faster connections to more people, while the rest of the world struggles to get up to speed.
If it takes a company a year to get up to speed, that is one year of lost sales-and a year of patent protection squandered.
Click any of the following items for links to topics, training, and demos that can help you get up to speed with the Ribbon.
IBM Rational consultants have a wide range of training and consultancy packages that can help a project team get up to speed.
To get up to speed, the FBI has recruited men and women with degrees in computer science and experience working with computers.
Building the Data Management Center from scratch would have been more costly, and it would have taken longer to get up to speed.
Therefore we will look at the most important parts of the BPM language in this chapter to get up to speed for the rest of this book.
Introductory exercises and in-game aides like "peekaboo," which compares top-scoring solutions with yours, help novices get up to speed.
If you are in a technical position and need to quickly get up to speed on a new technology, I recommend considering any of the books in this series.
When I woke up today, it took me about half an hour to get up to speed with the iPad (I'm in Croatia, so the bulk of the news came in overnight for me).
To help you get up to speed quickly on these features, this article described how to create a test database and sample tables for storing XML documents.
As the title implies, this tutorial also includes some practical, hands-on exercises to help developers get up to speed with this powerful new technology.
I think that the best - and maybe only - way to get up to speed translating is to translate, with deadlines, and so getting this first chance was instrumental.
The readings listed on this page are in three parts. First come the background readings. You will find them useful to get up to speed. Then come the assigned readings.
For instance, different E-mail systems and incompatible releases of crucial software programs make it nearly impossible for workers to get up to speed with a new initiative.
Other Benefits: On your resume or cover letter, indicate whether you are willing to work the graveyard shift, accept a low salary or take classes at your own expense to get up to speed.
You were uninvolved with the original development work, but you must quickly learn the system and bring a staff of new team members up to speed, which requires you to get up to speed first.
When I first joined the Apple online store, I was paired up with an experienced software engineer so that I could get up to speed on the code repository, build process, and unit and component testing.
Some parents would arrange for some home tutoring to get their children up to speed with the other kids in class.
So hopefully next time we do a formal charge question, we'll get everyone back up to speed.