In a large pile of portfolios, unique geometry and strong color can get your stuff seen.
Guys, it is Reading Workshop time right now. When I call your table, get your stuff, please! .
The web has helped you with your education, to get your stuff together so ultimately you have made your way over to Canada.
THE HOST: OK. The web has helped you with your education, to get your stuff together so ultimately you have made your way over to Canada.
"Where do you get this stuff?" asks Leroy. "From your pappy?"
Your best approach is to look for local independent publications and see whether you can work out an arrangement, even for no pay, to help you get some stuff into print.
Relax! What's the point of creating bulk categories of Stuff or denying the ownership of something that you're living with and using just to get your list of possessions down to 100 things?
What's the point of creating bulk categories of Stuff or denying the ownership of something that you're living with and using just to get your list of possessions down to 100 things?
"Tap into Resources" should help him get the materials he needs for his photography and "Rule Your Stuff" should help him get those materials organized.
Your cholesterol levels are determined through a simple blood test, so you'll need to get your arm tapped for the red stuff.
I promised I wouldn't get into the new age, touchy-feely stuff in this article, but I have to mention this: your frame of mind has a significant impact on your creativity.
This deadline is how long you allow yourself to keep all your old stuff in storage before you get rid of it for good.
Don't worry about the hard stuff for now; get your head around the basics, and you'll soon build up a whole Arsenal of Ajax tools.
To get over your consuming obsessions, Dr. Miller suggests exercises like comparing the relative costs and pleasures of the stuff you’ve bought. (You can try the exercise at
克服消费偏执米勒博士建议做一些类似练习:比较一下相关成本和所买之物带给你的乐趣.(你可以在做这些练习)有必要做这些练习 听起来很可笑-为什么一个自然的选择会给我们带来这些没用的迷恋呢?
So readers, what are your coping strategies for when you have to get rid of stuff?
Focusing on the premium part of freemium first lets you really learn about your unique value proposition - the stuff that will get you paid.
In other words, get all that stuff out of your head, and into your trusted system, so you don't have to worry about it while you focus on the task before you.
To become who you want to be and get what you want out of life you have to be selective and put your focus in the right places. And cut out or reduce the old stuff that is holding you back.
At a party you might be done listening to a boring, repetitive guy but can't get away because he's filling your ears with stuff he's eager to say but you are not eager to hear.
Every time you get to the next level, hot jets of reward chemical coat your brain in a lathery foam, and it seems like you’re actually accomplishing stuff.
You can do lots of things to get a good connection going with your teacher. First, do the obvious stuff: show up for class on time, with all assignments completed.
That way the strategic isn't as involved in the early-stage messy stuff when you need to quickly change direction when your strategy isn't working and need to get more funding rounds done.
So I'm telling you guys — you have to pull your socks up and get out and sell more stuff, or you'll be looking for new jobs this summer.
Creating a whole new OS within your app can be fun, but when you're dealing with the mobile medium, people just want to get stuff done.
Though it's best to get money for it, there's nothing wrong with donating your Stuff to charity - or giving it to friends who can use it.
If your early world is full of stress, that may calibrate you onto a pathway of develop fast, don't think too far ahead about the future, get on with stuff at an early age.
If your early world is full of stress, that may calibrate you onto a pathway of develop fast, don't think too far ahead about the future, get on with stuff at an early age.