I hadn't figured on getting home so late.
Yes, and I was looking forward to getting home so much — and what with being tired and everything — I think that's why I just forgot about the case.
One of the first things that Jane did on getting home was to have a good sleep.
One of the first things that she did on getting home was to call up her mother.
To my surprise, I suddenly heard him barking at me a stone throw away when getting home.
They are getting home schooling and whenever they are at place for some months they join a school.
You don't have to worry about getting home and fixing dinner. Our passengers only go one way.
After getting home, when all my workmates told me that it looks nicer, I kindly feel a little bit comfort.
This series of problems bombarded me and resulted in my getting home sick and withdrawing from my new environment.
Several apprehensive parents telephoned the school when the children were late in getting home from the museum trip.
Several apprehensive parents telephoned the school when the children were late in getting home from the museum trip.
"If you have to spend 16 hours in a stationary train and an additional nine hours getting home, do it in Japan," he wrote.
Private providers of materials aimed at getting home-schooled children through national exams report that business is booming.
The parents' pressure annoys the young people, they want to get away from it, some even find the excuse to avoid getting home.
A friend recalled recently that "when Rahm's arrived in the mail, his kids kept calling asking when he was getting home so they could open it."
HENRY: It's 4:03 a.m. on a supremely cold January morning and I'm just getting home. I've been out dancing and I'm only half drunk but utterly exhausted.
A recent earthquake drill in Shinjuku railway station, where up to 200, 000 commuters might head after an earthquake in the hope of getting home, sounded a warning.
A recent earthquake drill in Shinjuku railway station, where up to 200,000 commuters might head after an earthquake in the hope of getting home, sounded a warning.
What used to be a nice glass of champagne and a slice of cake of an afternoon in the village hall, with all guests getting home by 6pm, has morphed into an epic event.
过去结婚是下午在乡村礼堂里的一杯香槟,一块蛋糕,所有的客人都会赶在6点之前回家。 而现在它演变成了一件史诗般的事情。
Today, the young generation likes to stay up, because after a day's working, they will find fun at night, so they are getting home very late and then wake up late, too.
EX : Every time when I am very late getting home from work, I always sit in front of the dresser, staring at the lotion, eye serum, masks, and don ' t know what to do next.
每次只要工作到很晚才回家,我都会坐在化妆台前, 最有效运动减肥方法健康与减肥,对着满满的化妆水、眼霜、面膜不知所措。
Relax. You will probably never be struck by a falling spaceship… and you will learn what you need to know about beaches and swimming and getting home from your own personal experience.
This is when we apparently find ourselves worrying more about others and doing things for them, such as checking how they are getting home, offering to help with childcare and doing airport runs.
If only part of a meeting is relevant to your project, arrange to go first. Say you have another appointment you couldn't reschedule or a pressing deadline (even if it's just getting home on time).
Without this to go by, overshooting their home ports, getting lost and sailing off into eternity would have been all too easy.
Younger children should feel like they're choosing their home without actually getting a choice in the matter, said Adam Bailey, real estate attorney based in New York.
I only have thirty minutes to clear customs in getting to the city center and it means I have to check in by five-thirty, which means leaving home at about four fifteen.
I only have thirty minutes to clear customs in getting to the city center and it means I have to check in by five-thirty, which means leaving home at about four fifteen.