I'm just a poor girl from the country who couldn't even write her name six years ago.
The case was a 15-year-old girl from the northern part of the country who died of severe respiratory disease on 17 January.
The case, which was fatal, occurred in a 3-year-old girl from Kampong Speu Province, west of Phnom Penh in the southern part of the country.
The transformation of Maria was amazing; she went from a country girl to supermodel.
The United States understands that when a girl is kept from achieving her potential it is a loss not only for that individual girl, but also for her family, community, and country.
The film is about a 7 year old girl who has moved from the country to a big city together with her family. Now she lives in a top floor apartment without a garden.
The high court declared the girl ward of court, to protect her from her uncle who wanted to take her out of the country.
The high court declared the girl ward of court, to protect her from her uncle who wanted to take her out of the country.