Clare looks annoyed. "a girl you knew at school?"
Don't laugh, but one day you see a girl you went to massage school with.
Edward, I have always known I was not the Henderson girl you intended to send for.
Your girl friend, and girl you decided to cheat with, can end up having mutual friends.
"Some guys think you know 'OK well you're a girl you can't kill a deer'" Magan says reflecting on her triumph.
Well he said that if you meet a girl you like, you will hold her gaze for a second or two longer than if you were talking to a man.
Like the awesome guy or girl you rejected but sometimes find yourself wondering what would have happened if you'd chosen them to be with.
A girl you met once at a party who's baring her midriff in her profile picture wrote on your fiancee's wall — hold on, where'd she come from?
And it sounds to many people who do top-down interpretation as to me as well, that "She's the kind of girl you read about in Newsweek magazine."
Maybe you're just drinking more because you're nervous, but the best way to show you're the same great girl you were when he first noticed you?
And she's — and it's not the — and in fact, if you check the notes on the song, she's in fact, "the kind of girl you read about in new wave magazines."
So if you really like one girl, but the girl you were talking to last month tags you in photos from a recent trip, the new girl is likely to get upset and categorize you as a player.
You're a popular girl, Grace, and a lot of the younger ones look up to you.
You wouldn't know what it means—it's a girl thing.
"You are a good, kind, clever girl," he said, "and I am indeed a proud and a stupid toad."
You bad girl, why didn't you come to Sunday-school?
The lazy girl answered, "Do you think I am going to dirty my hands for you?"
"Does it fly," asks the artful child, "the way you flew when you were a little girl?"
She spoke in a crescendo: "You are a bad girl! You are a wicked girl! You are evil!"
Handing one to each of the children, he said to Clara, "This will do you good, little girl."
Two miles hence the garden of the Snow Queen begins; thither you may carry the little girl.
This is you from ten years ago, the same girl that you used to be. I am sitting in my grade seven classroom, staring outside.
It's almost like what you looked for in a boy scout or a girl scout.
I remember when I was a little girl, how you held me tightly when I couldn't sleep.
I believe you are the most popular girl in our class, you are so outgoing that everyone wants to be your friend.
Do you know the girl who is giving the speech?
"We just love you so much," the girl replied.
Today, I'd like to tell you about a lively girl.
Another girl added, "Ashley, she always follows you, trying to copy you."
Another girl added, "Ashley, she always follows you, trying to copy you."