The rumor is going about that the famous pop singer will give a performance here. Have you heard it?
At last we give a performance test for the enhanced JADE platform, and present the future researches.
Tom used to be very shy, but this time he was bold enough to give a performance in front of a large audience.
They're going to give a performance in the Lyceum , upstairs, " she reported one day, "and I'm going to be in it. "
The concert production team and I have gone to great lengths to give a performance that will be "unbelievable" and unforgettable.
(performance, bold) Tom used to be very shy, but this time he was bold enough to give a performance in front of a large audience.
When we asked them who wants to give a performance, they put up their hands actively. Their lovely voices and naive faces did make us happy.
And the professional sportsmen and women respond to this without question. They're there to give a performance. They provide the entertainment.
We have invited a local professional Chinese Opera group to give a performance in this year's New Year's Show. They will perform two acts, "The Monkey King" and "Picking Up A Jade Bracelet".
今年新年晚会﹐ 学校将邀请国剧团参与演出﹐演出戏码包括孙悟空和拾玉镯。
When Zarathustra arrived at the nearest town which adjoineth the forest, he found many people assembled in the market-place; for it had been announced that a rope-dancer would give a performance.
Alpine Youth Theater presents A Cat's Mind with cheerful songs and dance, promising to give a wonderful performance by 20 young people between 18 and 25 years of age.
In this column, I will talk about a few random topics that I have been examining that might give you a little bit better understanding of what goes on during the performance testing process.
This test clearly shows that focusing solely on the test results in one area will not give you a clear indication of the overall performance of your system.
So, the next time you have to give a speech, presentation, or performance in front of a group, remember this: your fear is a tool that can help you be a better speaker.
The index structure will give good performance looking up individual packets, but a SACK option can cover arbitrary byte ranges that include multiple packets.
Keeping frequently used scripts in bytecode form would give us a sizable performance boost.
While WHO measures case detection principally with reference to smear-positive disease, statistics for detection based on other diagnostic methods give a different view of programme performance.
If you aren't getting the performance you need for remote viewing, give NX a try.
DB2 buffer pool tuning is one of the easiest tuning steps that potentially can give a quick performance boost.
Based on the above normalized results, choosing one of these libraries will not give you a performance advantage over the other two choices.
A dozen or so startup companies are wading into the field, tweaking designs that they claim will give the best performance, cost the least and be the most reliable.
To give an example of compression performance, I tested IIS 5.0 dynamic compression using a typical application that accessed three Web pages.
为了提供压缩性能的测试示例,我使用一个访问三个web页面的典型应用程序测试了IIS 5.0动态压缩。
The other tips are good as well, and I'll point out a few of them in Resources, but if you give your code an audit with these three things in mind you will see a tremendous gain in your performance.
不过,如果您在编写代码时记住了这3 个技巧,将会获得巨大的性能提升。
There's plenty of room for performance improvement in that code, but this should give you a general idea for how to approach the problem.
Then, give them the raw materials they will use to create their own resonant definition of high performance-a vision that lets them imagine it and reach for it.
Let's face it, one of the duties of a boss is to give feedback and evaluate your performance.
Nevertheless, poorly coded SQL and application code can still give you performance problems that can be easily avoided by learning a few basic guidelines.
Nevertheless, poorly coded SQL and application code can still give you performance problems that can be easily avoided by learning a few basic guidelines.