Please give me five hundre yuan in hundreds and one hundred in tens.
Now then, what do you have on hand? Give me five loaves of bread, or whatever is here.
Now then, what do you have on hand? Give me five loaves of bread, or whatever you can find.
Because if you say, "give me five minutes, give me ten minutes," it'll be 15, it'll be 20.
When I was 10, my aunt told me she would give me five dollars if I finished my green beans.
Of course, if there's an emergency in space, you can't say, "Hey, give me five minutes and I'll be back."
I knew that you have published the book named Give me Five. This time how different will the new books be?
As you mentioned, Give me Five is a very interesting way for English learners to practice their spoken English.
Can you imagine if I said to Roman Abramovich at Chelsea, 'please give me five years and I will try to win you one trophy?
I'm here to help you to sort garbage correctly so the community will be cleaner and more beautiful. Will you give me five minutes?
Give me five years to creat a peak start, let me use ten years to create wonders, allow me to give up living my life for 15 years.
Come with me and carry some plaster, and instead of one penny, I'll give you five.
For the lessons he says he will give me a meal every day, a big Russian meal, or if for any reason the meal is lacking then five francs.
Sylvia glared at me as I passed her desk to give the teacher, Mrs. Stephens (the new grade five teacher) my work.
I got two brothers, James and Larry, five four and five five in height. They give me all I could ever ask for.
我有两个兄弟,Jamesand Larry,身高五尺四寸和五尺五寸半,他们给予了我所能要的一切。
Let me give you five examples of how to capture and repurpose daily activities for blog content.
That would give me a cross-sectional area of eight times ten to the minus five square meters.
The doctor who examined me seemed to behave as though he had somewhere better to be, and I ended up having to give five different statements to different individuals and agencies.
I'd like to change twenty dollars please. Could you give me four five dollar bills?
If there is a person who likes to give me water, I can run one thousand and five hundred.
And this gentleman has known me for only five minutes. You always give the silliest answers.
How to let you meet me, at my most beautiful moment for this, I have in front of the Buddha for five hundred years, and begged him to give us a carnal thoughts.
My previous contract finished on my 30th birthday, I am 27 now and this one takes me two years longer, so that I am hoping those five years will give me the chance to show the best of my football.
Shirley:Well, I'm not giving you any of my pineapple ones, but I'll tell you what. You give me your five sweet bean moon cakes, and I'll give you two of my jujube paste ones.
"That, " said the, captain, looking at the coin, "pays for two beds for two men and gives me five on the next one. Who will give me seven cents more?
Sometimes I'd plead for a little more time and he'd take my order, on the condition that I call back within five minutes to give him a stop, or else he would call me.
Sometimes I'd plead for a little more time and he'd take my order, on the condition that I call back within five minutes to give him a stop, or else he would call me.