In addition to the visible releases, volcanoes like Mount Merapi also give off sulfur dioxide, a gas that can have a variety of effects on people and the environment.
Active galaxies give off bright radiation from their cores, where gas heats up as it is compressed into a swirling accretion disk encircling the black hole.
Plug-in electric hybrids give off less exhaust than gas guzzlers. And when they're running on battery power, they generate no fumes at all.
Apples give off a natural gas called ethylene that can wilt, spot, or rot other food.
L Glowing nebulae are named because they give off a dim, red light, as the hydrogen gas in them is heated by radiation from nearby stars.
In Shanghai, some of the public buses begin to run on natural gas, which does not give off as much carbon dioxide as the petrol.
The noises that produce by cars are unbearable, the exhaust gas that cars give off are bad for people's health.
It's true that trees take in the carbon dioxide and other toxic gas and give off oxygen which living beings lives on it.
Coral grubbs give off a gas that is lighter than air. This keeps the isles suspended in the sky, but can be a nuisance when attempting to construct buildings.
Plug-in electric hybrids give off less exhaust than gas guzzlers. And when they're running on battery power, they generate no fumes at all. But there's a catch.
Researchers discovered that plants infected with a virus give off a gas that activates disease resistance in neighboring plants.
Researchers discovered that plants infected with a virus give off a gas that activates disease resistance in neighboring plants.