While a free program by any other name would give you the same freedom today, establishing freedom in a lasting way depends above all on teaching people to value freedom.
Although you should avoid name hiding (giving local variables the same names as attributes), the use of accessors to always access attributes means you can give local variables any name you want.
In addition, give the authentication alias the same name as the alias that you created when you defined the datasource in WebSphere (as shown in Figure 9).
To generate multiple classes in the same file, therefore, all you need to do is to give the same target name for them in the mapping model.
Optionally, you can give it a name in the same namespace as that used by EJB components.
And you can sort of type their name in and print it out and give it to them so they can take it home and digest it at home and the same with the other groups.
Perform the same steps as in Create a new mining flow, except that you should give it another name, such as Classify new Patients.
You can also import a package to the same storage type and give the package a different name, to create a copy of a package.
You can also import a package to the same storage type and give the package a different name, to create a copy of a package.