When you let me go to school, let me do a Mickey Mouse tattoo, let me give tongue piercing, I always disgruntled.
It's put on a thing like a lollipop and placed on the tongue to give a sensation like champagne.
A European satellite image of the entire glacier tongue shows the ice body's rugged surface. Deep cracks-crevasses-give the glacier tongue its rough texture.
But I had wanted to do something to give her pleasure, so I asked her whether I could put my tongue in her ear.
Though Cantonese was Sun's mother tongue, he still persuaded his countrymen in the Congress to give up Cantonese.
Hindi is the national language of the country, English the common "bridging" language, and a mother tongue that will give you an indication of community.
This isn't only reserved for kids. Give anyone who doesn't like the taste of medicine an ice cube to numb their tongue beforehand.
But the cheeky raccoon was not going to give up without a fight and stuck its tongue out at the photographer while it waited to be rescued.
It is the air speed, combined with lip and tongue position, that will give you success in the upper register.
" Thus chang meant "using the tip of the tongue to distinguish the flavor, " and it also came to mean "to taste" or "to give expert evidence.
Nature give us two ears, two eyes, and but one tongue , to the end that we should hear and see more than we speak.
Big Sis offers to give Ai a bite of her food, but it's too hot and burns her tongue.
Harry could see flaws in this plan; however, he held his tongue to give Mad-Eye the chance to address them.
When we wake up, and find resurrection is success, no matter how a glib tongue the specter of failure has or even though the "impossible" has veiled all soul, we do not give up.
Cor. 14:9 so also you, unless you give with the tongue a word easy to understand, how will what is being said be known?
ZetaTalkPrediction10/16/2010: We have spoken previously of the areas to be affected by the bending of the tongue holding Indonesia, but can now give more specifics.
I'm going to give you some novocaine. Do your lips and tongue feel numb now?
The emergence of purple tongue often tells us that some serious diseases may appear and we must give it much attention to avoid delay in diagnosis and treatment.
In the study of objectiveness in tongue diagnosis the key technical link is to give the true color of tongue.
With the exotic flavor of the food, bright colors, mysterious fragrance, and then to sip a South African wine, just give your tongue and body a close contact with Africa.
A voice cannot carry the tongue and the lips that give it wings. Alone must it seek the either.
A voice cannot carry the tongue and the lips that give it wings. Alone must it seek the either.