When given the choice of either eating food or drinking water, the mice went for the food, the researchers found.
I am one of the many city people who are always saying that given the choice we would prefer to live in the country away from the dirt and noise of a large city.
Revised:One who, when given the choice of two evils, chooses both.
Revised: One who, when given the choice of two evils, chooses both.
Revised: : One who, when given the choice of two evils, chooses both.
一个在两种恶行之中要作出选择就两者都选的人。 。
Revised: : One who, when given the choice of two evils, chooses both.
Given the choice between an LCD or a plasma, however, it's hard to know which to pick.
Given the choice, would I rather have a small profit sooner or a larger profit later?
Given the choice, most Brits would prefer a picnic on an active volcano to being in this situation.
Given the choice between doing business in China or India, most foreign investors would probably pick China.
The theory is that when given the choice, Pelaeolithic males chose blondes, who stood out from their rivals.
At the Youth Volunteers' Center, Danny was given the choice of three projects that involved working with children.
At the end of the date, each person is given the choice to stay and get to know their counterpart better - or leave.
Twice in that life I've been given the choice, as a boy, and as a man. The boy chose safety. The man chooses suffering.
There, you were given the choice of attempting to repair it automatically, marking the problems, or ignoring the broken references.
Obviously, given the choice between RAM and paging space, most people would prefer to use physical memory, if the RAM is available.
Given the choice of no noise versus soft and pleasant noises for positive feedback, however, many people will choose the feedback.
No, but given the choice, I'll take a building full of dead neighbors over receiving a tiny picture of a pair of socks as a "gift" on Facebook.
The opportunity to be a servant confronts me dozens of times a day, in which I'm given the choice to decide between meeting my needs or the needs of others.
The Girls Gone Wired survey found that given the choice, women would opt for tech items rather than luxury items like jewelry or vacations or even shoes.
Unlike in Brazil, in Colombia some expecting mothers are being given the choice to to end their pregnancies, under laws that allow abortions in some cases.
"Given the choice between losing my privacy, some of it, and losing my life or losing someone I love, I'm going to choose to lose some privacy, " Baker said.
Given the choice between a cramped two-bedroom apartment 10 minutes from work and a spacious four-bedroom house 45 minutes from it, we often elect the latter.
I am one of the many city people who are always saying that given the choice would prefer to live in the country away from the dirt and noise of a large city.
The survey of 1,400 women and 700 men aged 15 to 49 found that given the choice, women would opt for tech items rather than luxury items like jewelry or vacations.
Given the choice between paying for Twitter stats or using Facebook Insights for free, perhaps some businesses would choose Facebook as their social platform of choice.
Given the choice between paying for Twitter stats or using Facebook Insights for free, perhaps some businesses would choose Facebook as their social platform of choice.