With additional time, pressure, and refrozen meltwater from above, the small firn granules become larger, interlocked crystals of blue glacial ice.
The oxygen isotope ratio of the ocean changes as a great deal of water is withdrawn from it by evaporation and is precipitated as snow to form glacial ice.
A surplus allows snow to accumulate and for the pressure of snow accumulated over the years to transform buried snow into glacial ice with a depth great enough for the ice to flow.
Recent expeditions have taken ice samples from green icebergs and ice cores—vertical, cylindrical ice samples reaching down to great depths—from the glacial ice shelves along the Antarctic continent.
Interglacial periods are, typically periods of time between Ice Ages, when the climate warms, and the glacial ice retreats for a time, before things cool off again and another Ice Age begins.
"I don't know," Alice said. "But I can see glacial ice. It must near the top."
His eyes, razor sharp and as hard blue as glacial ice, tracked side to side over them all.
Bacteria trapped in glacial ice for thousands of years could help humans live to 140, scientists claim.
Along the southeastern coast of Greenland, an intricate network of fjords funnels glacial ice to the Atlantic Ocean.
Firn: granular partially consolidated snow that has passed through one summer melt season but is not yet glacial ice.
This means that holidays to Iceland will provide ample opportunity to witness the awe-inspiring size and power of glacial ice flows.
Born as the roots of great volcanoes, over millions of years they have been deeply eroded by wind and water and rounded by the grinding weight of glacial ice.
At 14 years old, Spencer Hardy has solved an avian mystery and discovered significant evidence for the only bird other than a penguin to incubate its eggs on glacial ice.
The series of pictures tell a story not only about the dramatic reductions in glacial ice in the Himalayas, but also the effects of climate change on the people who live there.
The second eruption, however, melted a large amount of glacial ice which then cooled and fragmented lava into gritty glass particles that were carried up with the rising volcanic plume.
WASHINGTON: a chunk of Antarctic ice seven times the size of Manhattan Island has suddenly collapsed, putting an even greater portion of glacial ice at risk, according to scientists.
The combination of a huge ice-sheet and the dramatic sounds of a fast-moving glacial ice-stream calving into a fjord covered by icebergs makes for a dramatic and awe-inspiring natural phenomenon.
Recent expeditions have taken ice samples from green icebergs and ice cores-vertical, cylindrical ice samples reaching down to great depths-from the glacial ice shelves along the Antarctic continent.
As geologists mapped glacial deposits in the late nineteenth century, they became aware that there were several layers of drift, the lower ones corresponding to earlier ice ages.
At the end of the glacier's deeply crevassed snout sits a glacial lake, coated with ice in this wintertime picture.
During glacial ages that exist about 90% of the time, our Northern Hemisphere is mostly covered with ice up to several miles thick.
Regine Hock, a glacial geophysicist at the University of Alaska Fairbanks, told the National Geographic that the breakup of ice shelves is "a normal process that happens all the time".
The strait’s status in turn affected ocean currents, which affected the rate of ice sheet melting during the last glacial period.
During glacial periods, the forams' shells contain more of the heavier of two oxygen isotopes, as the lighter one is preferentially accumulated in snow and ice rather than the ocean.
One theory was the "glacial bear" hypothesis that Kermodism represented a remnant adaptation from the last great ice age, which ended here 11, 000 years ago.
一种理论是“冰川熊”假说。 卡莫德现象反映了从11000年前结束的这个地区冰河时期残留下来的适应性改变。
The glacial epochs are characterized by great mountain glaciers, ice caps, piedmont glaciers and medium- to small-scale valley glaciers.
Covered with ice or affected by glacial action.
The usual metaphor for this is "glacial", which is apt since the retreat of the glaciers (and polar ice caps) tells us the primary datum of the decade has been physical degradation of the planet.
Permafrost is underground soils containing ice which keep frozen for several years, it is remains of ancient glacial climate.
In a so long time after the conception of "Dali Ice Age" was put forward, the place where this name came from, Diancangshan, had not been investigated and researched for its glacial geomorphology.