The bugs were extracted from a core sample drilled from glacier ice in Greenland.
In the 2010 image, the same area is melange-broken glacier ice and sea ice covered with snow.
Glacier Sorbet, Ecuador.Locals who live near the Chimborazo volcano trudge up to the summit regularly to cut off 50 kg blocks of glacier ice.
Glacier Sorbet, Ecuador. Locals who live near the Chimborazo volcano trudge up to the summit regularly to cut off 50 kg blocks of glacier ice.
Geologists had worried late last year the volcano was about to blow when they noticed a large river run caused by rapidly melting glacier ice.
The forces of the Glacier ice packs over Millions of years has provided us with a unique Glacier silt that contains the essential minerals for this Cleansing Soap.
The areas covered by this material were so vast that the ice that deposited it must have been a continental glacier larger than Greenland or Antarctica.
Depending on the stresses on the glacier, the ice crystal within it reorganized.
What happens is that the ice at the base of the glacier is under a great deal of pressure—the pressure coming from the weight of the overlying ice.
The forward movement, the melting at the base of the glacier where it meets the ocean, and waves and tidal action cause blocks of ice to break off and float out to sea.
We must try to keep much ice possible and slow the speed of glacier melting.
All of this information will help scientists understand why the Pine Island Glacier drains so much ice to the ocean and how much it could contribute to sea level rise in the future.
Our tents were pitched on a sandy moraine shore opposite the massive Blomstrand Glacier - a monster of moving ice that lets out groans and cracks as it calves icebergs into the sea.
Along the beach where the Cook Glacier once calved great pinnacles of ice into the sea, the rookery now calves flotillas of king penguins.
Ten thousand years ago, the area of Glacier National Park was covered by ice up to one mile below sea level.
A 30-tonne (33-ton) chunk of ice broke off from the Tasman Glacier, and slid into Tasman Lake.
The Grimsvotn volcano lies beneath the ice of the uninhabited Vatnajokull glacier in south-east Iceland. The latest eruption is its most powerful eruption in 100 years.
Pine Island Glacier is rapidly retreating, accounting for a large part of West Antarctica's ice loss.
Locals have nicknamed it "blue diamond"; its colour comes from being cleaved from centuries-old compressed ice at the ancient heart of the glacier.
A European satellite image of the entire glacier tongue shows the ice body's rugged surface. Deep cracks-crevasses-give the glacier tongue its rough texture.
Today, the 20-mile-wide Mertz Glacier is one of Antarctica's great ice streams, draining the ice from this part of East Antarctica.
Snowfall on the highlands upstream is gradually buried and compressed until it becomes ice, and the ice flows downhill into the glacier.
Vanishing ice--The McCall glacier in Alaska's Arctic National Wildlife Refuge has undergone accelerating ice loss in recent decades.
Pieces of glacier that break off become mixed with thin sea ice in a jumble of ice fragments on the fjord's surface.
Where the ice passes over especially steep terrain, ripple marks on the glacier surface indicate the icefall.
The magnitude 6.3 earthquake that ravaged Christchurch, New Zealand, on February 22, 2011, also broke a 30 million-ton piece of ice off the Tasman Glacier.
The findings mirrored patterns he had documented within ice in a Himalayan glacier called Dasuopu, "particularly the increase in the past century or so of dust," he says.
The findings mirrored patterns he had documented within ice in a Himalayan glacier called Dasuopu, "particularly the increase in the past century or so of dust," he says.