Or perhaps someone will casually glance through your credit card purchases or cell phone Bills to find out your shopping preferences or calling habits.
A glance through his office window offers a panoramic view of the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial.
Chen Ming didn't even glance through his paper before he handed in it, so there were many mistakes in his paper.
I have a glance through the newspaper headlines.
Who was Cole Porter as I glance through my music here? Oh, phooey.
Now and then she cast a glance through a slitted window at the dunes.
Still, a glance through the ads does yield several bizarre experiments.
For this, a glance through the DTD helped remind me of the relevant elements.
You heard, my heart, still in there waiting, waited for you to glance through.
A glance through his office window offers a panoramic view of the square and the park.
Take a quick glance through this output to familiarize yourself with its main elements.
I'll show you the actual toys of course, but suppose we glance through a few pages of the catalog first.
I'll show you the actual toys, of course, but suppose we glance through a few pages of the catalog first.
Before you head out for dinner, try a glance through the pantry first, and see what creative meal you can come up with at home.
A glance through the shop manual of a typical automobile, for example, reveals twenty-two motors and twenty-five more solenoids.
It can be seen at a glance through the microscope; the structure of ring yarns is completely different from that of rotor yarns.
If we just glance through the ads of some of our major manufacturers, we see a list of amazing improvements that don't cost money - they make money!
He sent a rapid glance through the half-open door of the chamber, and, ascertaining that what I stated was apparently true, delivered the house of his luckless presence.
In spite of being very busy heartfelt thanks you in to glance through my this material, and wishes the expensive unit enterprise to be prosperous, progresses day by day!
There are no official figures on the number of beauty outlets in this country of 4.4 million people, but a quick glance through the telephone directory yields at least 3, 000 listings.
They sat talking for hours on the dusty, twig-littered floor, one or other of them getting up from time to time to cast a glance through the arrowslits and make sure that no one was coming.
Puppets need the ground only to glance against lightly, like elves, and through this momentary check to renew the swing of their limbs.
As you blaze through the yellowlight you glance in your rearview to see all the cars behind you stopping atthe red light.
We now pass through these electronic friskers without so much as a sideways glance; the machines, and what they stand for, have won.
We now pass through these electronic friskers without so much as a sideways glance; the machines, and what they stand for, have won.