The transition from black to white is the glimmer of dawn, while its counterpart is the tranquility of dusk.
Commissioner Hall says the slowdown in layoffs could be, as he put it, "a glimmer of hope" that the economy could be improving.
It will require all the intellects in the universe, including any artificial intellects we make, if we are to approach even the slightest glimmer of who God is.
Even the delay gave foreign and local white business people a glimmer of hope that they could go on running their own shows.
After so many long years of hopelessness, they represent a small glimmer of light for the people of a dark land.
There is a glimmer of hope among the bleak assessment.
But after just 30 minutes of sifting through the garbage mountain, he struck lucky when he spotted a tiny glimmer surrounded by black sludge, wedged between two brown bags.
Just like that night in Menlo Park when Edison and his team knew their bulb would light but had no idea how long it would stay lit, we were staring at the glimmer of our own light bulb moments.
The future that is beginning to glimmer on the horizon has better rules of engagement in our financial systems and a greater commitment to the common good.
For the first time in memory the peasant is seeing a glimmer of light, but a substantially appreciating RMB will extinguish that hope.
The only glimmer of hope was the outcome of experiments being made in England and the US to mate the Rolls-Royce Merlin engine to the airframe of the North American Aviation (NAA) P-51.
现在,最后一丝希望寄托在英国和美国同时进行的一项实验结果上,那就是为北美航空公司(NAA)设计的P - 51战斗机装上劳斯莱斯公司设计的“灰背隼”引擎。
Not that we should get ahead of ourselves, but two significant announcements from HP on Thursday show the faint glimmer of a rainbow at the end of a very long corporate storm.
I love better than any theory the sound of the Gate of Ivory, turning upon its hinges, and hold that he alone who has passed the rose-strewn threshold can catch the far glimmer of the Gate of Horn.
The only glimmer of hope is that the jury refused to accept the shambolic official version of events at face value, and threw it out.
While the indicators offered a glimmer of hope for some economies, they signal that a return to growth is some way off for three of the world's four largest economies, the U.S., Japan and Germany.
In the meantime, I stand on the bridge at night and watch the Clark Fork glimmer, reflecting Missoula's lights as the river hurries past.
That may be a glimmer of good news for the country's vast pool of young and underemployed college graduates.
Yet, the Asian fairy tale is not without a glimmer of truth.
Messrs Jagger and Richards enjoyed the solidest partnership in the music industry: "Glimmer Twins", as they called themselves, who had fallen in love with American blues as teenagers in London.
A glimmer of hope for media companies comes from attempts to co-opt Internet service providers into policing the Internet.
In the view of Mr Hakim, Mr Shannon has a "much better sense of what's important to the region". There is even a glimmer of civility between the United States and Cuba.
There is still a glimmer of hope in people's eyes when they talk about the law.
The only glimmer of encouragement is that progress in adjusting inventories to the weaker environment is already being made.
Then the invoker got up and extinguished the light in the hall, so that no glimmer might come through the slit under the door.
Yet the latest news offers a rare glimmer of hope.
When he had turned the Angle of the gallery, the distant glimmer of an air-hole disappeared, the curtain of obscurity fell upon him once more, and he became blind again.
The pressure valve is going to be released, and for the first time they are going to see a glimmer of hope for their future.
The pressure valve is going to be released, and for the first time they are going to see a glimmer of hope for their future.