Will global warming mean the spread of tropical parasitic diseases?
But in the stratosphere they can stay aloft for years, spread by fast winds known as jets, meaning the threat is global.
Based on past experience, a second wave of global spread should be anticipated within a year.
Since then the fungus — believed to be spread by international trade and global warming — has virtually wiped out the wild frog population.
It is not known what caused their sudden spread, but experts have theorized that an increase in global travel and the banning of certain pesticides may be partly responsible.
Some of the world's leading pharmaceutical companies are reaping billions of dollars in extra revenue amid rising global concern about the growing spread of swine flu.
As it does, our postwar assumption that the US is the place where most global consumer brands get launched before being spread around the world is being undermined.
However, as part of continued efforts to document the global spread of the H1N1 pandemic, regular updates will be provided describing the situation in the newly affected countries.
然而,作为继续记载H1N 1流感大流行在全球蔓延的工作内容,将定期提供最新情况,说明新出现疫情国家的状况。
There's a tendency, I think, to believe that the spread of the Internet and the desktop computer is inherently connected to the global spread of the English language.
The process, though wrenching to some, made the European Union as a whole more competitive and spread the benefits of global trade to every corner of Europe.
A new superbug from India thought to be resistant to nearly every known antibiotic poses a global threat and has spread so far to three U.S. states.
U.S. banks and insurers do business all over the world, and their problems can rapidly spread to the global entities that are exposed to them.
American lawyers are not the only ones recalculating their bills. London firms with a global spread are also facing competition and more demanding clients.
Fears that a euro crisis could somehow spread to the rest of the global economy are likely to keep global stock markets in turmoil.
When the next hurricane hits, the repair bill will land squarely on Floridian taxpayers, rather than being spread among global insurers.
The H1N1 influenza virus, or swine flu, spread from Mexico prompting the World Health Organisation to declare a global pandemic.
The resulting balance of global saving will mean that emerging-market firms will spread themselves around the rich world and employ a growing share of its workforce.
Both moves ought to signal advances in the global effort to stop the bomb's spread.
London firms with a global spread are also facing competition and more demanding clients.
The expectation was that today’s decentralised and global system would spread risk and reduce the economic impact of a financial shock.
Tooth decay was the longtime threat; more recently, the global spread of obesity has prompted fears of the “empty calories” in candy.
Tooth decay was the longtime threat; more recently, the global spread of obesity has prompted fears of the “empty calories” in candy.