Although at this point, I have to confess that I only know a small percentage of people when we look at it from a global perspective.
From a political perspective, we need to understand the terms on which major countries like China and the USA might sign up to a global agreement, because at the moment we don't have that consensus.
Amusa has ongoing conversations with her friends about how the Obama presidency has changed their daily lives and hopes to put some of those ideas, along with her global perspective, into her posts.
To back up and state some obvious goals: We need a global perspective, the (moral) recognition that food is a basic right and the (practical) one that sustainability is a high priority.
It also allows you to compare house prices in real terms and against average incomes, so you can bring a global perspective to that next dinner-party debate.
Instead of sustainable enterprise, leadership skills and a global perspective are now on the agenda.
Although at this point I have to confess I only know a small percentage of people when we look at it from a global perspective.
It's definitely a challenge because Filipino startups are forced to see things in a global perspective from the get-go.
To fill in these gaps in surface-based PM2.5 measurements, experts look toward satellites to provide a global perspective.
But Japanese firms' hiring practices remain inward-looking, which means their workforce may lack a global perspective.
These findings provide a more global perspective on human mate choice and point to a universal role for these four facial cues in female facial attractiveness.
It enables everyone to experience critical thinking on important issues while investigating solutions to problems from a global perspective.
Viewed in global perspective, what counts is not that they write and read different books but that they are capable of creating print and communicating in it across time and space.
The very act of engaging with the wider world, he says, could draw Poland's attention away from the East, and give the country a more global perspective.
Explicit objectives in talent cultivation: social responsibility, global perspective, systematic thinking, and resolution.
Choreography describes interactions from a global perspective, meaning that all participating services are treated equally, in a peer-to-peer fashion.
From a global perspective, the gold demand trends show that the focus is now moving from the West to the East, or in other words, from the us and Europe to Asia.
When designers choose to apply stylistic elements to an interface, it must be from a global perspective.
In spite of this ground for criticism, I suggest that cosmopolitanism is still the best equipped to engage issues of economic inequality from a global perspective.
Written in a straightforward, clear, and concise manner, the author provides a global perspective on current and future advances and market opportunities.
It helped that I had always thought globally. That global perspective is part of the Canadian character.
Western developed countries have long adopted energy strategy in a global perspective, encouraging their companies to invest and explore mineral resources overseas.
This global perspective motivates us to work for a better, more peaceful planet for all the world's inhabitants.
My conclusion is that the case for an appreciation of the Chinese real exchange rate has merit, from a global perspective.
My conclusion is that the case for an appreciation of the Chinese real exchange rate has merit, from a global perspective.