About 80% of the world's population lives in areas where the fresh water supply is not secure, according to a new global analysis.
More than 8 million sea turtles have died in the past 2 decades after being accidentally caught by fishing vessels, a global analysis suggests.
It has widely applications in many mathematics subjects, such as optimization theory and method, control theory, programing and global analysis.
The algorithm combines the global analysis with the local analysis to extract the context information of the user's marked query from single document.
Nazarbayev seemed to face no real threat of civil unrest, said Sarah Michaels, deputy director of analysis at Oxford Analytica, a global analysis and advisory form.
Spurious zero energy modes are present in the stress element, but it is proved that non spurious zero energy mode is present in the global analysis of the whole structure.
UM questioned 22,729 active Internet users in 38 countries between November 2008 and March 2009 to deliver what is the largest global analysis of social media we have seen to date.
Cellular element method is a new numerical method. In this method the global analysis of structure is changed into a series of local analyses by using the idea of Cellular Automata.
Therefore, we need to make comprehensive analysis on the impact of QE2 on global market in different Angle.
According to a preliminary analysis of year-end data released Wednesday, the global average temperature in 2010 topped the 20th century average by 1.12 degrees Fahrenheit.
So, when conducting comprehensive analysis on the global impact of QE2, we must adopt a multi-perspective approach.
Global efforts to combat overfishing are starting to turn the tide to allow some fish stocks to recover, new analysis shows.
Assessing the global impact of an animal disease on international markets would warrant a framework of analysis which would connect markets in spatial terms as well as by products.
The many tools that have sprung out of that community demonstrate the viability of big data analysis as a global business activity.
The findings correlate with analysis last year by the National Wildlife Federation that found ragweed growth rates and pollen counts increased with global warming.
In addition, CAH supports the collection and analysis of data to monitor implementation and progress towards global goals and targets of relevance to adolescents.
Researchers Maosheng Zhao and Steven Running of the University of Montana in Missoula discovered the global shift from an analysis of NASA satellite data.
Therefore, if we want to make a comprehensive analysis of the global impact of QE2, we need to study from multiple angles.
Setting out to update that analysis, Zhao and Running expected to see similar results as global average temperatures continued to climb.
Extremely strong winds caused by storms have increased even faster, jumping 10 percent over 20 years, according to the new analysis of global satellite data.
Global patterns of mortality in young people: a systematic analysis of population health data.
A new analysis halves longstanding projections of how much sea levels could rise if Antarctica's massive western ice sheets fully disintegrated as a result of global warming.
A a global company can use the analysis orchestrator to update information on assets — people, technology and facility — from all of its organizational units in different SOAs.
GLM employs its NarrativeTracker technologies for global Internet and social media analysis.
As for the calendar year, it is likely that the 2010 global surface temperature in the GISS analysis also will be a record.
Globaltext.org has a link to the Prototype Global text Library, with two books on information systems and economic analysis.
Global Text.org和全球教科书图书馆的原型间有一个链接,在那个图书馆中有两部关于信息系统和经济分析的书。
While the ITG study looked at the experience of dozens of different users, the Forrester study was a single-company analysis focused on a global retail organization.
While the ITG study looked at the experience of dozens of different users, the Forrester study was a single-company analysis focused on a global retail organization.