Coal accounts for approximately 70% of the total primary energy consumption in China, which is greatly higher than the global average level (27.1%).
The IEA [International Energy Agency] predicts global demand to average 98.5 million barrels a day in 2015; it's hard to see how we can meet that level of production.
国际能源机构(International Energy Agency IEA)预测到2015年,石油需求会达到平均每天9850万桶;很难看出我们将用什么办法使产量满足这一需求。
The team found that results from the two methods roughly matched and showed that Greenland is losing enough ice to contribute on average 0.46 millimetres per year to global sea-level rise.
Cooling in Europe is unlikely due to global warming, but oceanic changes alter weather patterns and lead to higher than average sea level rise in the eastern US and UK.
European companies' profit margins in China are now roughly in line with the global average, with 37 per cent reporting the same margin level, 30 per cent a lower level and 33 per cent a higher level.
The average Chinese already consumes more calories than the global average, and almost 85% of the American level.
On a global level, the study saw the United Kingdom ranked fifth for its average graduate salary.
A global transfer function (g) representing a spatial average of sound pressure level in the room generated by the loudspeaker (L1) is determined.
The conclusion shows that either the proportion of payer of Chinese listed companies is higher than that of U. S., or the payout ratio is also higher than the average level of global market.
They believe that if the ice cap melts global average sea level will rise by about seven metres.
They believe that if the ice cap melts global average sea level will rise by about seven metres.