Global climate warming has a profound and extensive impact on the earth's ecosystems and human society.
The characteristic of tropical cyclone activity is hotspot internation TC study filed on the global climate warming background.
The energy shortage, global climate warming-up and the heavy demand on power and gas all have strengthened people's development and utilization of solar energy.
Due to the global climate warming, social wealth accumulating, and population expanding, human are facing with increasingly serious issues of natural disasters loss.
The scholars of different countries have put forward various new methods for slowing up the global climate warming through reducing the emission of the carbon dioxide.
In addition, a lot of CO2 and other greenhouse gases were released into the atmosphere since the burning of fossil, which is leading to the growing global climate warming.
As global climate warming and the flourish of industrial activity in Bohai sea, the improved of the preventing and manage ability in sea ice disaster is very indispensable.
In the background of global climate warming, the amount of precipitation in autumn tends to be less and it tends to be more in winter, the climate tends to be drier in Ningxia.
Why did politicians use the two terms "global warming" and "climate change"?
The terms "global warming" and "climate change" are used by many, seemingly interchangeably.
Apparently everyone knows that global warming only makes climate more extreme.
A Google Ngram Viewer chart shows that by 1993 climate change was already more commonly used in books than global warming.
In reality, carbon taxes alone won't be enough to halt global warming, but they would be a useful part of any climate plan.
By the end of the next decade both words were used more frequently, and climate change was used nearly twice as often as global warming.
Most of the science of climate change, particularly that to do with global warming, is simply a fact. But other aspects of the science are less certain or at least more disputed.
For example. the language and polls expert Frank Luntz wrote a memo encouraging the use of "climate change" because the phrase sounded less scary than "global warming," reported the Guardian.
Most of the science of climate change, particularly that to do with global warming, is simply fact. But other aspects of the science are less certain or at least more disputed.
Such is the power of global warming that the climate goes from one extreme to the other.
If China can realize its goal, it will lower global warming by around 0.2℃ to 0.3℃ alone, according to Climate Action Tracker.
"We're not saying that global warming created inequality," says Noah S. Diffenbaugh, the writer of the study and a professor at Stanford University who studies climate change.
For another risk lies in the subtle distinction between “global warming” and “climate change”.
For another risk lies in the subtle distinction between "global warming" and "climate change".
Can you picture Lord Lawson's Global Warming Policy Foundation announcing that climate change is an urgent threat and fossil fuel companies need stricter regulation?
Hence, the term climate change is often used interchangeably with global warming.
Hansen, credited with being one of the first scientists to study climate change, dismisses sceptics' claims that global warming "stopped" in 1998.
If today's generation fails to act to reduce the carbon emissions that cause global warming, climate models suggest temperatures could rise as much as 11f by the end of the century.
Most climate models predict that clouds will amplify global warming slightly.
Climate change: Can the world put the brakes on global warming and climate change without threatening economic growth that has lifted millions out of poverty?
Climate scientists have warned of wild weather in the year ahead as the start of the global "El nino" climate phenomenon exacerbates the impacts of global warming.
Climate scientists have warned of wild weather in the year ahead as the start of the global "El nino" climate phenomenon exacerbates the impacts of global warming.