In contrast, the operations of global financial markets today affect people from Peoria to Penang.
Global financial markets reopen to a changed reality.
Neither of these asset classes is immune to the turmoil in global financial markets.
But he sees the need for greater regulation and monitoring of global financial markets.
South Africa's currency is a symbol of big themes in global financial markets over the past two years.
It worked. Brazil's problems were contained. Global financial markets gradually returned to normal.
But the good times came to a sudden end in late 2008 as the credit crunch paralyzed global financial markets.
In contrast, the operations of global financial markets today, for instance, affect people from Peoria to Penang.
Just when the American economy appeared to be on the mend, a new crisis is stressing global financial markets.
After all, we've just been through two horrible asset bubbles — and busts — in the U.S. and global financial markets.
That is markedly different than in recent years, when billions of dollars were sloshing around global financial markets.
A downgrade would diminish the value of those holdings, and could bring massive disruptions in the global financial markets.
Inflation remains low, so the liquidity pumped out by central Banks is flowing some where else, namely into global financial markets.
Of course, many of the clothes hitting stores now were in the works long before global financial markets melted down in the fall.
Global financial markets have been nervous over the prospect that the us might not have enough money to meet its financial obligations.
Anyone who doubts that global financial markets control national economies need only look at the crisis facing the tigers of the Far East.
The integration of China into global financial markets presents numerous challenges for financial media, on which the financial markets depend.
The IASB is working to harmonize accounting standards throughout the world to improve financial reporting for the global financial markets.
World stock prices are surging following major gains on Wall Street Tuesday and new injections of cash in some major global financial markets.
The statement from Federal Reserve policymakers came after a U. s. credit rating downgrade and significant losses on global financial markets.
The news has affected global financial markets, with investors fearing a Dubai debt default could reignite the financial turmoil of the credit crisis.
Every time global financial markets go into turmoil, most recently thanks to the US sub-prime mortgage fiasco, voices rise to demand global regulation.
The main risk to the benign outlook for global financial markets is that such an outlook rests on a very fine balancing of opposing economic forces.
Even if economies can decouple, global financial markets tend to be more tightly linked through the investment strategies of hedge funds and the like.
International debt and property investors bought into the dream, too, until global financial markets seized up and much of the world plunged into recession.
One of his favourite lines is that he has "not felt this good since 1998", just before the Russian default threatened to swamp Goldman and global financial markets.
One of his favourite lines is that he has "not felt this good since 1998", just before the Russian default threatened to swamp Goldman and global financial markets.