Hedge funds have emerged as the latest serious problem in the global financial system.
Their negotiations were partly about rules to make the global financial system more resilient.
China has long wanted its currency to play a more important role in the global financial system.
The sharp contraction of export could also improve as the global financial system start to unfreeze.
AIG employees concocted complex derivatives that then wormed their way through the global financial system.
Wall Street's troubles came as a freeze-up in credit markets threatened to clog the global financial system.
Let me ask you: how does this statement sound right now, with the global financial system on the verge of collapse?
But let me ask you, how does this statement sound right now, with the global financial system on the verge of collapse?
One is the increase in overall liquidity as new countries and regions become integrated into the global financial system.
The global financial system has been crashing more frequently over the past 30 years than in any comparable period in history.
But after the failure of Lehman threatened the global financial system, the Fed changed the rules to accept junk-rated debt as well.
不过在雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)的破产危及全球金融系统后,美联储改变了规则,甚至允许垃圾级的债务充当抵押品。
The us must welcome China into the global financial system and allow it to take its rightful place in global monetary institutions.
Sentiment was also buoyed by action from the Federal Reserve and other central Banks to free up liquidity in the global financial system.
They have deftly played the role of saviour just when Western Banks have been exposed as the Achilles heel of the global financial system.
Or that a major financial institution could fail in the first decade of the 21st century, pushing the entire global financial system to the brink?
Yes, in a year when the global financial system was brought to its knees by a crisis largely spawned by Wall Street, Goldman's chief is number one.
Britain's City minister, Lord Myners, said that Iceland would face exclusion from the global financial system if it failed to meet its obligations.
The second is the success of central Banks in creating a stable monetary background for the world economy and so also for the global financial system.
These are already having a profound effect on the global financial system-and are linking financial centres more closely together than ever before.
Long a bystander in international economic affairs, Beijing has in recent weeks announced a string of initiatives for remoulding the global financial system.
Long a bystander in international economic affairs, Beijing has in recent weeks announced a string of initiatives for remoulding the global financial system.