Profiling of technical institutions in the Global outbreak Alert and response Network concentrating on readiness and capacity to support international outbreak response.
This photo story documents the combined efforts of WHO and its partners in the Global outbreak Alert and Response Network to monitor, investigate and control the outbreak of Marburg fever in Uganda.
A team from the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN) and WHO is supporting the Epidemiology Unit of the Ministry of Health by providing additional human resources and technical support.
Additional staff from the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network and WHO will be arriving over the weekend.
WHO country offices around the world, together with the Global outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN), provide operational support to countries in identifying and responding to disease outbreaks.
Teams of experts have been deployed in countries through the WHO Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN), producing daily epidemiological updates.
Staff have been drawn from WHO and its partners in the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN).
WHO has also been working with its partners to strengthen the Global outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN), which brings together experts from around the world to respond to disease outbreaks.
Today, workers received specialized training from experts in social mobilization and medical anthropology drawn from the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network.
To support these efforts, WHO has deployed additional experts in infection control drawn from institutions in the Global Outbreak Alert and Response Network.
Have access to the global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN), a 'one-stop shop' of global resources to help manage public health risks and emergencies of international concern.
能利用全球暴发预警和应对网(GOARN) -‘一站式’(one stop shop)全球资源联接,以协助管理公共卫生风险和国际关注的突发事件。
Have access to the global Outbreak Alert and Response Network (GOARN), a 'one-stop shop' of global resources to help manage public health risks and emergencies of international concern.
能利用全球暴发预警和应对网(GOARN) -‘一站式’(one stop shop)全球资源联接,以协助管理公共卫生风险和国际关注的突发事件。