Global Sources Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. from 2002 into the mobile phone accessories and digital products industry.
A survey of more than 300 exporters by trade show organizer Global Sources showed most will keep increases at five percent or below.
With the goal of providing the most effective ways possible to advertise, market and sell, Global Sources enables suppliers to sell to hard-to-reach buyers in over 230 countries.
And today it also ruled 8-0 that five individual power utilities could not be sued (PDF) for the greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming, given the millions of global sources of such gases.
今天,法院同样以8 - 0做出裁决,全球有百万计的导致全球变暖的温室气体排放源,五家电力设备产商不应承担对其温室气体排放的指控。
Global warming has made us search for new energy sources.
Increased funding is mainly from domestic sources in Brazil, China, the Russian Federation and South Africa and from Global fund grants in other countries.
Prolonged stagnation, or worse, in the United States would turn off one of the main sources of global demand and global growth.
"What we are going to absolutely have to do is diversify our sources and optimise the use of these materials in manufacturing," said Steve Duclos, who heads GE's global research division.
You might need to start by integrating several of these models into a global model representing the sources in a logically integrated way.
They then used models of global wind circulation to deduce which dust sources have become stronger and which weaker.
A growing global population needs ready sources of protein, and fish - generally low in fat and high in nutrients - is a natural.
Resources, or sources of specific information, are an important component of REST, and each resource is referenced with a global identifier.
They start using sources of energy that are less carbon-intensive - and not just because they're worried about global warming.
The nationalisation of energy resources is also proving to be a global problem, given that it has dissuaded foreign investors from helping to develop new sources of supply.
Programmers can work transparently with data from these various sources, relying on DB2 II's global query optimizer to select an efficient data access strategy for such work.
As a primary outlet for the West Antarctic Ice Sheet, the Pine Island Glacier is one of the largest sources of uncertainty in global sea level rise projections.
Cutting the black carbon, or soot, produced by burning fossil fuels, vegetation, dung and other sources could reduce global warming.
With Project Lingua, volunteers translate alternative media sources from citizen journalists on the Global Voices network.
网站志愿者翻译来自全球之声(Global Voices)网站的不同媒体来源,这些消息由公民记者收集。
The percentage of the world’s population using improved drinking-water sources increased from 77% to 87% between 1990 and 2008, a rate on track with meeting the global MDG drinking-water target.
Algae, these primarily aquatic organisms produce some 30 to 50 percent of the net global oxygen on earth and are important sources of food and crude oil.
By replacing traditional energy sources with cleaner energies, we can help alleviate the harm of global warming and climate change.
Finding New Sources for Global Growth: Managing Economic Slowdown and Geopolitical transformation.
Finding New Sources for Global Growth: Managing Economic Slowdown and Geopolitical transformation.