With all the concerns about global warming and climate change one might ask the question, "Why don't species just adapt?"
Every year billion tons of carbon dioxide is added into the air, which in part results in global warming and climate change.
By replacing traditional energy sources with cleaner energies, we can help alleviate the harm of global warming and climate change.
Something remarkable happened towards the end of last year: suddenly the media was taking global warming and climate change as a fact.
Global warming and climate change affect the global water cycle and result in abnormal weather, such as frequent heavy rains and droughts.
It will be used for advanced modeling of theories about global warming and climate change, and it will be able to predict short-term weather patterns.
Climate change: Can the world put the brakes on global warming and climate change without threatening economic growth that has lifted millions out of poverty?
Global warming and climate change are phenomena that broke the bonds of scientific circles to emerge as a matter of debate between "believers" and "skeptics."
December 3, 2007-can the world put the brakes on global warming and climate change without threatening economic growth that has lifted millions out of poverty?
With all the concerns about global warming and climate change one might ask the question, "Why don't species just adapt?" don takes the devil's advocate position and discusses this with Yael.
Why did politicians use the two terms "global warming" and "climate change"?
The terms "global warming" and "climate change" are used by many, seemingly interchangeably.
For example. the language and polls expert Frank Luntz wrote a memo encouraging the use of "climate change" because the phrase sounded less scary than "global warming," reported the Guardian.
By the end of the next decade both words were used more frequently, and climate change was used nearly twice as often as global warming.
"We're not saying that global warming created inequality," says Noah S. Diffenbaugh, the writer of the study and a professor at Stanford University who studies climate change.
For another risk lies in the subtle distinction between “global warming” and “climate change”.
For another risk lies in the subtle distinction between "global warming" and "climate change".
Recently, I discussed climate change with a group of Danish teenagers. One of them worried that global warming would cause the planet to "explode" – and all the others had similar fears.
Global warming is destined to have a far more destructive and earlier impact than previously estimated, the most authoritative report yet produced on climate change will warn next week.
The planet's warming may be global, but climate-change models predict it will be amplified in the north. Permafrost will melt and settlement patterns will change.
While population growth accounts for only a modest part of the growing demand for food, it can contribute to global warming, and long-term climate change can threaten agriculture.
Counting the cost of global warming is hard because no one really knows how much to attribute to climate change and how much to other factors.
And I think we are seeing almost weekly, or even daily, scientists are coming forward and questioning the original idea that man-made global warming is what is causing the climate to change.
Can you picture Lord Lawson's Global Warming Policy Foundation announcing that climate change is an urgent threat and fossil fuel companies need stricter regulation?
Can you picture Lord Lawson's Global Warming Policy Foundation announcing that climate change is an urgent threat and fossil fuel companies need stricter regulation?