Methods:The 52 obese children and 40 healthy children as control were determined to have contrast and analysis on glucose, insulin, antibody against insulin in blood and the glucose tolerance test.
Methods the 52 obese children and 40 healthy children as control were determined to have contrast and analysis on glucose, insulin, antibody against insulin in blood and the glucose tolerance test.
Oral glucose tolerance test and insulin release test were carried out to measure plasma glucose concentrations, serum insulin concentrations and serum FFA levels.
The subjects also underwent an oral glucose-tolerance test and an intravenous insulin-tolerance test.
The insulin sensitivity of animal models was quantified by insulin tolerance test, glucose tolerance test and gluconeogenesis test, etc.
Objective:To determine the relationship between plasma fatty acid composition and glucose and insulin concentrations during 50g glucose tolerance test(GTT).
Ebbeling said those who want to know their insulin-production levels can ask their doctor for an oral glucose tolerance test.
Ebbeling said those who want to know their insulin-production levels can ask their doctor for an oral glucose tolerance test.