Please can AB create a "go-no-go" gauge for each gear - or find another way to manage the stocks.
No matter where people go and no matter how far they go, they will go back home enjoying family time during Spring Festival.
"We have no passengers. People don't go out or they go home early by train, " one driver lamented.
There is no rushing a river. When you go there, you go at the pace of the water and that pace ties you into a flow that is older than life on this planet.
In Australia there are no cooler environments beyond the south coast, so if they are pushed to go beyond that they basically go extinct.
No, No. Cause when Donnie start work and peter is Ok. And the work is finished, then I can go home, he can go home.
So to go around this circular orbit will take the same amount of time as to go around this one, and that is by no means obvious.
Make things up as we go along and generally have no idea what how we'll get to where we want to go.
If I were to say "I will not go sky diving," then if someone asks me to go bungie jumping with them, it's easy for me to say no.
I look at where I want to go, and I move forward, without thinking much, because if I already know where I have to go, there’s no reason to second-guess, it will only delay me.
Well, if I go with you and there's no time for me to go back home to be with my family, and also there are a lot of things that I haven't seen yet around Beijing...
Steven: no. The baby isn't old enough to go to the farm. And Anne and I are too busy to go.
Which may go out before them, and which may go in before them, and which may lead them out, and which may bring them in; that the congregation of the LORD be not as sheep which have no shepherd.
You go around in a circle, and all of a sudden you no longer have the pull or the push and you go around in a spiral and obviously, that is not the case.
Each of these dimensions has decisive effect on a go/no-go decision regarding cloud enablement of applications.
这 3个值中的每一个对于推进/不推进应用程序云计算实现决策起着决定性的作用。
The day after the 11/9 outrage George W. Bush, when calling Americans to get over the trauma and go back to normal, found no better words than “go back shopping”.
Let's go to the cinema. No, wait, on second thought, I would rather just go for a walk.
So no boring, lame date nights. Go do something exciting. Go dancing together or anything else you can both participate in as a couple.
Gone? No! Why should you go? Don't go. She will be so sorry. You see, she likes to have people come and stay with us.
What is love? Not open hand, let you go, but firmly, said lug you no go!
It is our firm belief that, no matter how difficult the road We still have to go, nor go too, because faith invincible!
No, I go to the work by bus and drive to different business appointments, but sometimes I take the train to go to the business conferences in other cities or things like that.
Jack growing fear, according to this go on, will go where? Alas! Since a careless blame, there is no stop to remember the password.
There's also no better antidote to those European winter blues, but if you want to go at the most cost-effective time, go just before the Australian Open starts.
There's also no better antidote to those European winter blues, but if you want to go at the most cost-effective time, go just before the Australian Open starts.