It's impossible to assess how many officers are participating in the go-slow.
The go-go years of 2003-07 are over, replaced by the go-slow years of 2009 and beyond.
But with the company's shares losing nearly half their value since the Madonna signing, Mr Rapino advocated a go-slow approach.
Ten years ago, smooth plastic sleds became popular; they go faster than wooden sleds but are harder to steer and slow.
There are fast trains, slow trains, trains that go under the ground, and trains that go through mountains.
When people cross the street, they flash to "tell" drivers to slow down and wait for people to go across the street.
To access this source and to hear its messages, we must slow down, quiet our minds and go within.
Go slow: If the audience is already sympathetic, then present the arguments slowly and carefully (as long as they are relevant and strong).
Let's let go of the obsession with speed, and instead slow down, stop rushing, and enjoy life.
Watch a movie neither of you have seen before, go to a concert, or enjoy a slow dinner like a fondue.
Which is the steady state approximation, where one rate, the rate to go into the intermediate is very slow, or the rate to get out of the intermediate is very fast.
'I go slow, ring my little bell and stop sometimes to say' hi 'to pedestrians,' she says.
Imean, all my life you’ve been the one who knew everything and I sort of forgot that tonight maybe I should go slow.” She smiles.
But although consumption per mouth in poorer countries has far to go to catch up with the West (see chart), growth is set to slow, predicts Nomura.
You overtake a car on the right, and immediately slow down and go into the left lane.
If people are working too hard, management needs to get them to slow down, go home, and get some rest.
And about half of its exports go to the rest of Europe, which is struggling with its own slow growth.
But now it turns out that with the right equipment, scientists can get light to go very, very slowly — as slow as 38 miles per hour.
When we go on a starvation diet to reduce our calorie intake, we not only destroy muscle tissue but also actually slow our metabolic rate.
It is a much more intelligent idea to go slow and steady when it comes to long term self-discipline.
Very old and slow systems should be used as dedicated thin clients, while medium-grade systems can go either way.
Life as a whole is better if you go slowly, and take the time to savor it, appreciate every moment. That's the simplest reason to slow down.
But if they want to help Banks cough up the cash needed to meet the new reserve requirement they could simply go slow on bond issuance.
You could go in any direction, fast or slow as you wanted, fighting the wind if you felt like it, seeking out new sights just on the strength of your feet and the courage of your lungs.
Theresistance is the voice in the back of our head telling us to back off, becareful, go slow, compromise.
Theresistance is the voice in the back of our head telling us to back off, becareful, go slow, compromise.