If all else fails, initiate a massive argument before you go to sleep, so your partner won't want to be anywhere near you.
And 40 miles a week, believe me, is a lot of running. It can take you anywhere you want to go.
I won't go anywhere tonight. Do you want to go anywhere? If you want to go anywhere, please take the child.
Unfortunately he doesn't speak any English either but, should you want to go anywhere, just write the address down and give it to him.
After all, if you want ane-book, you don't physically have to go anywhere to get it.
If you want to make money, you might as well drop out right now, go to banking school, or website school - anywhere but art school.
You want to go look for her in places where you think she might be, but you know how she is: she can't go anywhere by herself in this city.
I've seen some hilarious pictures of Daniel and I on my brother's screensaver on his phone and you don't want to go anywhere near that sort of fan fiction.
I've seen some hilarious pictures of Daniel and I on my brother's screensaver on his phone and you don't want to go anywhere near that sort of fan fiction.