So the patients go back and forth to the doctors.
The values go back and forth in fairness and efficiency.
E-mails go back and forth; pictures of families, homes and pets are shared.
We can go back and forth between these two equilibrium states They're connected.
But really, the wind is really too much to go back and forth all the difficulties.
It's so much fun to see that object go back and forth in 21 seconds, that I will go...
So, let's listen to this bit of klezmer music go back and forth between minor and major.
Or you've got different chemical constituents together that can react and go back and forth.
I didn't go back and forth from the gym, chastising myself because I didn't start with 100 LBS.
Even you go back and forth, the fare yushu work to earn the money you borrowed money even to pay.
You can use both variables to quickly go back and forth between two directories, as shown in Listing 7.
It was actually very useful because there were hundreds of dollars that ended up having to go back and forth.
Buddha or call him once walked to the woods. Go back and forth, on their way to take a the most beautiful flowers.
They must be able to go back and forth and fit into each household without disruption of educational and social activities.
Processing plants can go back and forth between ethanol and crystallised sugar at the flick of a switch, depending on prices.
You'll go back and forth between showing and hiding the leaderboard, and changing the label on the button to match the state.
In Figure 1, you can see the actual request and response messages as they go back and forth between the client and the service.
If you don't have to go back and forth to a server for information you don't need to do so much to maintain state information.
The Latinos who remain are mostly dual citizens or green-card holders, who go back and forth across the border with relative ease.
John Now, you're going to hear John and I go back and forth a lot, well I'm certainly old time, but I'm also an old time Lisp programmer.
Inevitably, we must go back and forth in this process iteratively as we seek the best fit between our design and its performance standards.
She May 6, to go back and forth to school, in the way to school are often bad boy bully, and the delay in the class, she's endured in silence.
If the two applications have a UUE, the claims representative will be able to go back and forth between the two much easier than if they do not.
Or, like me, you can go back and forth, alternatively scraping off the accumulated gunk and making yourself more accessible by taking on more of it.
Now take that piece of dangling gold thread and go back and forth over and around the angel, crossing over the chest and back and under the arms to secure it all.
Developers will appreciate the ease with which they can design their application and make changes without having to go back and forth between the model and code.
But back in the old days, however, such a fine payment may take hours or even days, because you should go back and forth to the traffic police station and bank.
The underlying infrastructure also includes the security and confidentiality that must cover the payloads that go back and forth as client requests and server responses.
The underlying infrastructure also includes the security and confidentiality that must cover the payloads that go back and forth as client requests and server responses.