This sundew prefers drier soil. You can allow the POTS to go dry between waterings.
When the seas go dry and mountains blow in the wind like leaves … "They call to me. Come."
I liked the mouthfeel and aromatic contribution of the yeast but I got a little nervous waiting for it to go completely go dry.
In India, where farmers have drilled some 20 million irrigation Wells, water tables are falling and the Wells are starting to go dry.
The Lord has told me that if you do this your jar of flour will never go empty and the jug of oil will not go dry until the day the Lord gives rain on the land.
As aquifers are depleted and irrigation Wells go dry, farmers either revert to low-yield dryland farming or, in the more arid regions, abandon farming altogether.
On top of that, most of the 3D food printers now are restricted to dry ingredients, because meat and milk products may easily go bad.
Any waste that is not wet, recyclable or harmful will go to the "dry waste" bin.
According to the sorting rules, the wet garbage must go in the wet waste bin and the bag must go in the dry waste bin.
Cool temperature can make cucumber's skin go bad faster, so find a dry and cool place at room temperature for your cucumber.
Apply generous amounts of sunscreen to dry skin 30 minutes before you go outdoors.
And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD caused the sea to go back by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry land, and the waters were divided.
He shall not depart out of darkness; the flame shall dry up his branches, and by the breath of his mouth shall he go away.
And Moses stretched out his hand over the sea; and the LORD caused the sea to go by a strong east wind all that night, and made the sea dry, and the waters were divided...
While the doctors were excited that he was a 'classic case', he wanted to go beyond the dry medical description and document the subjective experience of a stroke in this part of the brain.
当他的医生因为找到一个典型案例而激动的时候(什么医生啊-_- !——译者注),他却想要脱离医学上对这种综合症的枯燥描述,用大脑这部分中风患者的主观感受来描述。
This review may have been a little dry on the details, but go see the movie--you'll be thanking me later.
Vehicles have run dry and, six days in, a huge part of population is starting to go hungry.
Next, learn to sew or find a dry cleaner who can. Repairs go without saying, and a little alteration can upgrade an item's fashion rating no end.
Next, learn to sew or find a dry cleaner who can.Repairs go without saying, and a little alteration can upgrade an item's fashion rating no end.
To remind yourself of a chore (write a thank-you note, go to the dry cleaner), give yourself an unusual physical reminder.
Or maybe the movie business will dry up, and the people working in it will go to work for game developers.
Open it and go straight ahead: always straight ahead, over level or steep, over smooth or rough, over dry or wet.
“I help fetch water in the dry season, ” she says, “I don’t go to school.”
When you add water to baking powder, the dry acid and base go into solution and start reacting to produce carbon dioxide bubbles.
When you add water to baking powder, the dry acid and base go into solution and start reacting to produce carbon dioxide bubbles.