The ant needs to turn left, and then go forward to the jellybean.
The winners of the semifinals, namely Smith and Jones, go forward to the finals.
Soon, however, the remaining beans will be too tough for them, and go forward to meet new foes.
But from my point of view, China should insist the road of statutory law and go forward to go in this foundation perfect.
And let us go forward together to champion these freedoms for our time, for our young people who deserve every opportunity we can give them.
However, he cannot go back, because the Final Watch is there and he cannot go forward to the seventh level, because he doesn't have enough power.
Any member of the group, once a decision is made, can go forward to a booking engine in a separate window to reserve the property of make a payment.
Moving because I have found that the past is always there, it never goes away, but you can select what is best from the past to help you go forward to the future.
All children are looking forward to the day when they can go back to school.
Modesty helps one to go forward.
Modesty helps one to go forward [make progress]; conceit makes one lag behind.
As of Sunday no performers had withdrawn, and all but one event was scheduled to go forward.
To be fair to him he had to do that in that Real Madrid team because there were five lads who wanted to go forward and he was the only one who even entertained the thought of staying back.
While there are certain critical initiatives or projects that need to go forward if a company wants to keep up production, workers should watch out when project spending slows, Avramidis said.
That is a dark art as it is, but to axe the current system with no idea how to go forward is outrageous.
If you want to go then say \ \ \ "Yes, I would love to attend and I look forward to it \ \ \" or something along those lines.
Although we all like moving forward, it is often useful to go back to reproduce a build or revert to a good known state.
Those folks said there's not enough in this bill for the research, development and demonstration of clean energy technologies to go with the forward-leaning targets.
After I listened to the presentation, I asked a couple of questions, then said we had to go forward with the loan.
Resolve it. Weak people don't go to counselors, but strong forward-moving people do.
New faces, new surroundings and meeting people is an unknown journey that I look forward to as I go to class each day.
So software is going to be an important plank in HP's growth strategy going forward -- that is, HP is going to go hard after a core IBM competency.
To go forward, he pushes down slightly on the handlebars, angling the nozzles to a maximum of 45 degrees.
For a multinational drug company to go forward, it needs patent protection in the U.S. as well.
The suit asks a federal judge to order Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to let the program go forward under California's interpretation of the law.
The suit asks a federal judge to order Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to let the program go forward under California's interpretation of the law.