So go ahead, stock up on those red apples and you may be thanking Mom later.
The producers have given the green light to go ahead with the rest of the production, we have some A-list stars on board, and the special effects wizards have fired up the green screen.
If all of the sites on your server need the exact same branding, layout, and functionality, then go ahead and make the change directly in the standard layout folder (after backing it up).
如果所有的站点都用同样的布局、界面及功能,那么请直接在_ layouts文件夹中做修改(最好在备份_layouts文件夹后修改)。
This will ensure that you do not interfere with any triggering that might already be set up on the test queue manager. Go ahead and define these now.
In 2007, provided Ofcom gives the go-ahead, the Beeb will introduce its "iPlayer" service, which will allow viewers to catch up on recent TV programmes they missed.
In the meantime, go ahead and read up on gstreamer if you aren't familiar with it.
If the deal does go ahead, and if China is going to get more relaxed on restructuring, we may get some follow-up action in the sector.
"This has not been sent up to ministers for any decisions, so we would expect it to go ahead on a normal commercial basis," an official close to Mr Cable said.
Research should go back to the design, so at last according to the conclusion of users needs and family persona ahead, we come up with different design prototypes based on different consuming types.
Research should go back to the design, so at last according to the conclusion of users needs and family persona ahead, we come up with different design prototypes based on different consuming types.