Or a social interaction might go sour, with one marmot nipping or chasing another.
但同时,社交互动也可能会变得很不愉快,就像一只土拨鼠会厮咬或追逐其他同类。 “土拨鼠们对待彼此总是很粗暴。”
If not, please consider some of the following reasons why communication can go sour in your relationship.
One manner of stripping consciousness is to duplicate the sounds of one ' s field and then remove segments so that one begins to go sour.
If not, please consider some of the following reasons why communication can go sour in your relationship. More important, what can you do to solve these problems?
So whilst this is tranche B of a much larger loan, the property would have to fall in value by 30%, for the capital to be at risk. And with a 12 month term, property prices would have to go sour fast.
From minor fall outs to projects that didn't quite go as planned, there are hundreds of reasons for formerly solid client relationships to turn sour.
According to a person close to the company, the deal went sour because Chinese regulators rejected it, on the grounds that State Grid was not mandated to go into mining.
JOY: Oh, come on! Don't be so sour. These are beautiful shirts. I know if we don't buy some today, you will never go shopping by yourself.
Five kinds of life, sour, sweet, bitter, hot salty, taste all over a strong pain will go away.
I would go so far as to argue that men were programmed to be isolated from one another and that aloneness sour natural state.
We could go get a bowl of fish balls and wash it down with a sour plum drink.
Employers commonly trim their ranks when the economy turns sour, and low-rated workers are typically the first to go, say career experts.
It is a medium-fruity German Riesling, which makes it so suitable to go along with light luncheons, sea food, sweet-sour chicken and pasta. A delicious drink at all times.
You're always there for me When things tend to go wrong It's that faith you have in me That make sour love strong.
当我需要你时你永远在那里, , 就算是我犯了错误也没关系, , 是你对我坚定的信心,让我们的爱更加茁壮。
I felt so sour inside, there was a stream of pain, flowing into my heart, the kind of pain I've never felt before. But all I could do was pretend I didn't care, and said, "Can we go now?"
I felt so sour inside, there was a stream of pain, flowing into my heart, the kind of pain I've never felt before. But all I could do was pretend I didn't care, and said, "Can we go now?"