Every morning but Sunday, when he had to go to church, he would finish his chores as quickly as possible, then make a straight line to Fort Totten Park, where she'd be waiting for him.
Show him a grand piano, and he'd have to dive into it. Suggest a manhole, and he'd plummet straight down it. Run a cable across the road and he'd go flying into next week(?)
"You'd do better," said Hermione, when he confided this plan to Ron and her in the entrance hall, "to go straight to Slughorn's office and try and get that memory from him."
A "community coordinator" sat down with each of them and asked him what he needed to go straight: a job?
The nearest way is to go straight to God and let your cry come up before Him. Straightforward makes the best runner: run to the LORD and not to secondary causes.
What you should do is go straight to your friend asking him why he regard you as the thief and let others to judge it.
But for those privileged enough to watch him test that day, there was no doubt that Senna had everything it took to go straight to the top of the WRC.
Is first one male was asking that two young boys road then young boy told him to go straight 30 meters to turn right again.
I am personallyveryimpressed by his humility and willingness to go straight towherethe danger is and the people need him the most.
I am personallyveryimpressed by his humility and willingness to go straight towherethe danger is and the people need him the most.