That is far less likely to happen if Congress also adopts strong "pay-go" rules requiring that any increase in payments to providers be offset by new taxes or budget cuts.
Who drinks the poison may go astray, and they may have unbearable hunger, thirst, or strong curiosity.
Thou marvel' st at my words, but hold thee still; Things bad begun, make strong themselves by ill; So please you go with me.
Just having a strong teacher for one elementary year left pupils a bit less likely to become mothers as teenagers, a bit more likely to go to college and earning more money at age 28.
If God allowed us to go through our life without any obstacles, it would cripple us. We would not be as strong as what we could have been.
At the same time, retailers are demanding that exporters show that they have strong balance sheets and will not go bankrupt before completing orders.
That's why strong code ownership doesn't go well with refactoring, but weak code ownership works fine with refactoring.
That's where the dance can go wrong with some couples — if the male signals are not strong enough, or if the female system is too 'choosy'.
And weights are not the only way to go: Try resistance bands, pilates, or push-ups to get strong.
Only the police are strong enough to withstand the news, and they immediately shout in unison: "Go to hell, Rogge!"
Who drinks the poison may go astray; and they may have the unbearable hunger and thirst, or the strong curiosity.
"I had to take into consideration that maybe Rabin and Peres were able to go to the Oslo agreements because they believed that Israel was strong enough to defend itself," he tells the author.
The rest of this article refers to the default names, but if you feel some strong need to change them, go right ahead.
To those I would say, of course, we will learn more as we go along, but there is already strong evidence on what works and what does not. We know enough for implementation now.
The debate on how sauropods held their necks will no doubt go on, but I think the scientists put forth a pretty strong argument.
Although refactoring and change is always possible later, things will go more smoothly if you get strong definitions for the interfaces up front, so that you can minimise later changes to them.
Whether your problems are related to money, health, family, or anything else, there’s a strong chance that someone out there has it worse than you, yet they go on living.
Resolve it. Weak people don't go to counselors, but strong forward-moving people do.
Once you're confident that your resume reflects a strong match, go ahead and submit that targeted resume online.
You can have a simple and delicate typo, a huge and strong one, you can also go colorful and crazy or light and smooth.
As tempests go, tropical storm Bonnie would barely be strong enough to cause a Louisianan to look up from his gumbo.
So, if your inner jerk decides to tell you otherwise, you can tell it, in a strong voice, to go away and never return.
So people have very strong beliefs that across generations and even in their own life they can go from rags to riches.
Friends will come and friends will go. But our friendship stays strong and true.
To the degree that we can undermine the ideas of masculinity as strong and invulnerable, we can help get men to go to the doctor and be healthier.
Both light and heavy elements go into making LCD screens, compact fluorescent bulbs, and the strong permanent magnets used in hybrid car batteries and wind turbines.
In urging the dispatch of troops to Kosovo, Mr Schröder used strong moral imperatives (“Never again Auschwitz”) to convince the public to allow fighter planes to go into combat.
In urging the dispatch of troops to Kosovo, Mr Schröder used strong moral imperatives (“Never again Auschwitz”) to convince the public to allow fighter planes to go into combat.