Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unjust, and not before the saints?
According to Xia Lin with Liaoning Renmin Law Firm, such contracts are not valid because the arrangement may be considered to go against moral law.
According to the New Criminal Law and judicial interpretation concerned, punishment on such marriages in the name of crime of bigamy does not go against the legal principles.
To determine the key from the type of consumer to buy, and what kind of consumer demand, we can not go against this law, but may use the law to bridge the gap in the market to find out.
The Legalization of Apology is necessary to guard against the inflation of the market rule in the civil law, so as not to cause the evil consequence that the civil law will go far from ethical value.
The Legalization of Apology is necessary to guard against the inflation of the market rule in the civil law, so as not to cause the evil consequence that the civil law will go far from ethical value.