Because of COVID-19, the government advised us to go to the public places less.
The heart not good fertile farming, with infinite treasure. We should have a pure heart, go to the public good. Will be blessed with no edge.
Wipe your eyes with a clean handkerchief . Don't go to the public places . Don't touch other's things . It will protect both you and others .
Whenever you start a project with someone, you have to establish a clear understanding of expectations for who owns the data, at what point they go public and who can do what with them.
It may have something to do with the way people go to and from work. Many people in the countryside drive or take public transport for long hours, which leads to the greater need for audiobooks.
Also, don't assume the public knows what you know about RFID. Go out of your way to explain how you are safeguarding the public's privacy.
Cuts in public spending will have to go far beyond the gimmicky blitz on top salaries, official cars and mobile phones mentioned so far.
The public were urged to go about their normal business but to look out for "unusual activity or behaviour".
Getting started one on one with a skilled instructor will give you the confidence you need to then go to a public class.
This would force Facebook to begin publicly disclosing financial data, an event that could also trigger the company to go public.
On March 17th Korea Life became the first of the country’s big life insurers to go public.
大韩生命保险在今年3月17号成为韩国第一个上市的大型人寿保险公司.其他公司紧跟其后.在日本家喻户晓的第一生命保险,本周首次公开募股, 总市值达112亿美元。
It was passed unanimously by the Las Vegas City Council as part of a bill making it a misdemeanor to go to the bathroom in public.
After all, I got into politics to have some influence on the public debate, because I thought I had something to say about the direction we need to go as a country.
As a novel food it would have to under go a number of tests to assess safety before it reached the public.
Part of me almost wanted to lose the appeal so that I could go to court, get all the documents and depositions released, and show the public what my adversaries had been up to.
You can go to the networking events with current public speakers. They will give you tips that could not be found in books.
No fools they: at least one poll suggests the British public is ready to go all the way.
That is especially popular with young Internet firms. It allows founders and key employees to make money without having to sell the company or go public prematurely.
However, I failed to coordinate the disclosure of the advisory and release of the hotfix so finally I was forced to go public with all the information undisclosed.
That is especially popular with young Internet firms.It allows founders and key employees to make money without having to sell the company or go public prematurely.
Pepsi has embraced a learning as you go approach when it comes to social media and the art of public learning.
Quasimodo rescues her and, after that, the twisted, malformed freak is able to freely go out in public without people pointing and shaking their fists at the sky in reaction to God's twisted design.
In urging the dispatch of troops to Kosovo, Mr Schröder used strong moral imperatives (“Never again Auschwitz”) to convince the public to allow fighter planes to go into combat.
Still, studies suggest there's a ways to go before the public improves its grasp of geography.
Germany's Banks, which reluctantly agreed to go along with the public testing process, were the only ones not to disclose their sovereign-bond holdings.
Youku’s biggest rival, Tudou, filed plans last month to go public in the United States.
Youku’s biggest rival, Tudou, filed plans last month to go public in the United States.