Our body loses water whenever we exercise or go to the toilet.
I had to go to the toilet, but I didn't want to use that awful outhouse. So I went off in the woods.
The thorn apple has a strong purgative –it makes you go to the toilet.
The three men smiled and quickly responded in unison, “We have to go to the toilet.”
If you want to get up to go to the toilet, you should avoid reaching for the light switch.
Kazdin says. Instead of begging, they were instructed to say, 'You don't have to go to the toilet.
Every time to have a meal, night before sleeping, I won't forget to bring a book and go to the toilet.
And when my parents sleep, I even can't go to the toilet. Therefore, I never drink water before sleep.
Yes, you right, so, every time do I go to the toilet will explain to you why should I go to the restroom?
So, as babies grow older, they will eventually produce the sentence "mother, I want to go to the toilet."
Also because of this, so pay special attention to the time when they go to the toilet, there is no real stool and urine.
Soon after the activity began, Jiang met his trouble. He wanted to go to the toilet, but as he did not know English, he could not find it.
I remember as a kid and I used to go to the toilet and the toilet seat was up in the dark, I'd climb on to go to the loo there's no seat and I'd fall in.
Soon after the activity began, Jiang met his trouble.He wanted to go to the toilet, but as he did not know English, he could not find it.So he had to do it around the street corner.
Drinking excessive amounts can also lead to loss of sleep as people have to get up in the night to go to the toilet, and other studies show it can even cause kidney damage, instead of preventing it.
It may just be my Japanese accent but Saya seemed rather confused by my simple questions, often directing me to the toilet regardless of where I had asked to go.
He has a two-chamber concrete composting toilet, Mr. King said, but after reading "the Humanure Handbook," he has learned there is a better way to go.
If you draw a proposal, then you have to go to the import beer festival this weekend and push over a guy in a chemical toilet.
If you draw a proposal, then you have to go to the import beer festival this weekend and push over a guy in a chemical toilet.