When he asked questions, the answers came back in Wall Street gobbledygook.
Which brings you to the files with the hex digit gobbledygook names.
BBC comedy, "W1A", sends up blame-shifting managers and corporate gobbledygook at the nation's broadcaster.
But Humpty Dumpty used words in an odd way, and that made him a master of gobbledygook, not a master of language.
She adds: "What if 'research paper' is a category that invites, even requires, linguistic and syntactic gobbledygook?"
The Stern book may be careful to avoid academic gobbledygook and complex equations, but it cannot be described as a light read.
“It was like, ‘Let’s parody the gobbledygook’ — because honestly, that movie — all those explanations, and explanations of explanations, ” Mr. Stone said.
Unfortunately, many people use gobbledygook because they want to seem more important than they are, or because they don't really want people to understand what they mean or what they are doing.
That's because by taking Chrysler private there will be no more quarterly reports no more earnings guidance no more Wall Street pressure and especially none of that sarbanes-oxley gobbledygook.
That's because by taking Chrysler private there will be no more quarterly reports, no more earnings guidance, no more Wall Street pressure, and especially none of that Sarbanes-Oxley gobbledygook.
If a picture is worth a thousand words a digital camera is worth10000pages of jargon double-talk and indecipherable optical gobbledygook as you'll quickly discover when you start shopping for one.
If a picture is worth a thousand words a digital camera is worth10000pages of jargon double-talk and indecipherable optical gobbledygook as you'll quickly discover when you start shopping for one.