ANSWER: The most common response is that as God is omnipotent, "can not lift" does not make sense.
It is usually an extreme, religiously held view that argues against free human will and places all human decisions in the hands of God or a similarly omnipotent force.
When we admit in our heart that all things are possible to the omnipotent and omnipresent love, we would be able to demonstrate the truth that the power of God exists right where we are.
Were they once created by the omnipotent God or what scientists termed as nature?
And another philosopher, Descartes, in thinking about God's omnipotence, thought that it wouldn't be good enough if God as omnipotent couldn't change the facts of mathematics.
If I deny the existence of god, I would just profane my knowledge, I believe that there is a universal existence full, omniscient and omnipotent, sovereign god.
Having said that, it will be time to embrace the fact that there is only the one Omnipotent God within which every soul exists.
Here, the glory of God refers to that unique attributes of God, and his omniscient and omnipotent.
God, who is omnipotent, sees the breadth and depth of our circumstances, and he knows his plans for our lives.
God, who is omnipotent, sees the breadth and depth of our circumstances, and he knows his plans for our lives.